# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2020 mmonkey # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import os from cps import config, db, fs, gdriveutils, logger, ub from cps.services.worker import CalibreTask from datetime import datetime, timedelta from sqlalchemy import func try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError as e: from urllib2 import urlopen try: from wand.image import Image use_IM = True except (ImportError, RuntimeError) as e: use_IM = False THUMBNAIL_RESOLUTION_1X = 1 THUMBNAIL_RESOLUTION_2X = 2 class TaskGenerateCoverThumbnails(CalibreTask): def __init__(self, limit=100, task_message=u'Generating cover thumbnails'): super(TaskGenerateCoverThumbnails, self).__init__(task_message) self.self_cleanup = True self.limit = limit self.log = logger.create() self.app_db_session = ub.get_new_session_instance() self.calibre_db = db.CalibreDB(expire_on_commit=False) self.cache = fs.FileSystem() self.resolutions = [ THUMBNAIL_RESOLUTION_1X, THUMBNAIL_RESOLUTION_2X ] def run(self, worker_thread): if self.calibre_db.session and use_IM: expired_thumbnails = self.get_expired_thumbnails() thumbnail_book_ids = self.get_thumbnail_book_ids() books_without_thumbnails = self.get_books_without_thumbnails(thumbnail_book_ids) count = len(books_without_thumbnails) for i, book in enumerate(books_without_thumbnails): for resolution in self.resolutions: expired_thumbnail = self.get_expired_thumbnail_for_book_and_resolution( book, resolution, expired_thumbnails ) if expired_thumbnail: self.update_book_thumbnail(book, expired_thumbnail) else: self.create_book_thumbnail(book, resolution) self.progress = (1.0 / count) * i self._handleSuccess() self.app_db_session.remove() def get_expired_thumbnails(self): return self.app_db_session\ .query(ub.Thumbnail)\ .filter(ub.Thumbnail.expiration < datetime.utcnow())\ .all() def get_thumbnail_book_ids(self): return self.app_db_session\ .query(ub.Thumbnail.book_id)\ .group_by(ub.Thumbnail.book_id)\ .having(func.min(ub.Thumbnail.expiration) > datetime.utcnow())\ .distinct() def get_books_without_thumbnails(self, thumbnail_book_ids): return self.calibre_db.session\ .query(db.Books)\ .filter(db.Books.has_cover == 1)\ .filter(db.Books.id.notin_(thumbnail_book_ids))\ .limit(self.limit)\ .all() def get_expired_thumbnail_for_book_and_resolution(self, book, resolution, expired_thumbnails): for thumbnail in expired_thumbnails: if thumbnail.book_id == book.id and thumbnail.resolution == resolution: return thumbnail return None def update_book_thumbnail(self, book, thumbnail): thumbnail.generated_at = datetime.utcnow() thumbnail.expiration = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=30) try: self.app_db_session.commit() self.generate_book_thumbnail(book, thumbnail) except Exception as ex: self.log.info(u'Error updating book thumbnail: ' + str(ex)) self._handleError(u'Error updating book thumbnail: ' + str(ex)) self.app_db_session.rollback() def create_book_thumbnail(self, book, resolution): thumbnail = ub.Thumbnail() thumbnail.book_id = book.id thumbnail.format = 'jpeg' thumbnail.resolution = resolution self.app_db_session.add(thumbnail) try: self.app_db_session.commit() self.generate_book_thumbnail(book, thumbnail) except Exception as ex: self.log.info(u'Error creating book thumbnail: ' + str(ex)) self._handleError(u'Error creating book thumbnail: ' + str(ex)) self.app_db_session.rollback() def generate_book_thumbnail(self, book, thumbnail): if book and thumbnail: if config.config_use_google_drive: if not gdriveutils.is_gdrive_ready(): raise Exception('Google Drive is configured but not ready') web_content_link = gdriveutils.get_cover_via_gdrive(book.path) if not web_content_link: raise Exception('Google Drive cover url not found') stream = None try: stream = urlopen(web_content_link) with Image(file=stream) as img: height = self.get_thumbnail_height(thumbnail) if img.height > height: width = self.get_thumbnail_width(height, img) img.resize(width=width, height=height, filter='lanczos') img.format = thumbnail.format filename = self.cache.get_cache_file_path(thumbnail.filename, fs.CACHE_TYPE_THUMBNAILS) img.save(filename=filename) except Exception as ex: # Bubble exception to calling function self.log.info(u'Error generating thumbnail file: ' + str(ex)) raise ex finally: stream.close() else: book_cover_filepath = os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, book.path, 'cover.jpg') if not os.path.isfile(book_cover_filepath): raise Exception('Book cover file not found') with Image(filename=book_cover_filepath) as img: height = self.get_thumbnail_height(thumbnail) if img.height > height: width = self.get_thumbnail_width(height, img) img.resize(width=width, height=height, filter='lanczos') img.format = thumbnail.format filename = self.cache.get_cache_file_path(thumbnail.filename, fs.CACHE_TYPE_THUMBNAILS) img.save(filename=filename) def get_thumbnail_height(self, thumbnail): return int(225 * thumbnail.resolution) def get_thumbnail_width(self, height, img): percent = (height / float(img.height)) return int((float(img.width) * float(percent))) @property def name(self): return "GenerateCoverThumbnails" class TaskCleanupCoverThumbnailCache(CalibreTask): def __init__(self, task_message=u'Validating cover thumbnail cache'): super(TaskCleanupCoverThumbnailCache, self).__init__(task_message) self.log = logger.create() self.app_db_session = ub.get_new_session_instance() self.calibre_db = db.CalibreDB(expire_on_commit=False) self.cache = fs.FileSystem() def run(self, worker_thread): cached_thumbnail_files = self.cache.list_cache_files(fs.CACHE_TYPE_THUMBNAILS) # Expire thumbnails in the database if the cached file is missing # This case will happen if a user deletes the cache dir or cached files if self.app_db_session: self.expire_missing_thumbnails(cached_thumbnail_files) self.progress = 0.33 # Delete thumbnails in the database if the book has been removed # This case will happen if a book is removed in Calibre and the metadata.db file is updated in the filesystem if self.app_db_session and self.calibre_db: book_ids = self.get_book_ids() self.delete_thumbnails_for_missing_books(book_ids) self.progress = 0.66 # Delete extraneous cached thumbnail files # This case will happen if a book was deleted and the thumbnail OR the metadata.db file was changed externally if self.app_db_session: db_thumbnail_files = self.get_thumbnail_filenames() self.delete_extraneous_thumbnail_files(cached_thumbnail_files, db_thumbnail_files) self._handleSuccess() self.app_db_session.remove() def expire_missing_thumbnails(self, filenames): try: self.app_db_session\ .query(ub.Thumbnail)\ .filter(ub.Thumbnail.filename.notin_(filenames))\ .update({"expiration": datetime.utcnow()}, synchronize_session=False) self.app_db_session.commit() except Exception as ex: self.log.info(u'Error expiring thumbnails for missing cache files: ' + str(ex)) self._handleError(u'Error expiring thumbnails for missing cache files: ' + str(ex)) self.app_db_session.rollback() def get_book_ids(self): results = self.calibre_db.session\ .query(db.Books.id)\ .filter(db.Books.has_cover == 1)\ .distinct() return [value for value, in results] def delete_thumbnails_for_missing_books(self, book_ids): try: self.app_db_session\ .query(ub.Thumbnail)\ .filter(ub.Thumbnail.book_id.notin_(book_ids))\ .delete(synchronize_session=False) self.app_db_session.commit() except Exception as ex: self.log.info(str(ex)) self._handleError(u'Error deleting thumbnails for missing books: ' + str(ex)) self.app_db_session.rollback() def get_thumbnail_filenames(self): results = self.app_db_session\ .query(ub.Thumbnail.filename)\ .all() return [thumbnail for thumbnail, in results] def delete_extraneous_thumbnail_files(self, cached_thumbnail_files, db_thumbnail_files): extraneous_files = list(set(cached_thumbnail_files).difference(db_thumbnail_files)) for file in extraneous_files: self.cache.delete_cache_file(file, fs.CACHE_TYPE_THUMBNAILS) @property def name(self): return "CleanupCoverThumbnailCache"