/* This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 hexeth * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // Move advanced search to side-menu $("a[href*='advanced']").parent().insertAfter("#nav_new"); $("body.stat").addClass("stats"); $("body.config").addClass("admin"); $("body.uiconfig").addClass("admin"); $("body.advsearch").addClass("advanced_search"); $("body.newuser").addClass("admin"); $("body.mailset").addClass("admin"); $("body > div.container-fluid > div > div.col-sm-10 > div.filterheader").attr("style","margin: 40px 0 !important; padding: 0 10px 0 40px !important;"); // Back button curHref = window.location.href.split("/"); prevHref = document.referrer.split("/"); $(".plexBack a").attr('href', encodeURI(document.referrer)); if (history.length === 1 || curHref[0] + curHref[1] + curHref[2] != prevHref[0] + prevHref[1] + prevHref[2] || $("body.root") > length > 0) { $(".plexBack").addClass("noBack"); } //Weird missing a after pressing back from edit. setTimeout(function () { $(".plexBack a").attr('href', encodeURI(document.referrer)); }, 10); ///////////////////////////////// // Start of Book Details Work // /////////////////////////////// // Wrap book description in div container if ($("body.book").length > 0) { description = $(".comments"); bookInfo = $(".author").nextUntil("#decription"); $("#decription").detach(); $(".comments").detach(); $(bookInfo).wrapAll('
'); // $( 'h3:contains("Description:")' ).after( '
' ); $(".languages").appendTo(".bookinfo"); $(".hr").detach(); if ($(".identifiers ").length > 0) { console.log(".identifiers length " + $(".identifiers").length); $('.identifiers').before('
'); } else { if ($(".bookinfo > p:first-child").length > 0) { console.log(".bookinfo > p:first-child length " + $(".bookinfo > p").length); $(".bookinfo > p:first-child").first().after('
'); } else { if ($('.bookinfo a[href*="/series/"]').length > 0) { console.log("series text found; placing hr below series"); $('.bookinfo a[href*="/series/"]').parent().after('
'); } else { console.log("prepending hr div to top of .bookinfo"); $(".bookinfo").prepend('
'); } } } $(".rating").insertBefore(".hr"); $("#remove-from-shelves").insertAfter(".hr"); $(description).appendTo(".bookinfo") // Sexy blurred backgrounds cover = $(".cover img").attr("src"); $("#loader + .container-fluid") .prepend("
"); $(".blur-wrapper") .prepend('
Blurred cover
'); // Metadata Fields - Publishers, Published, Languages and Custom $('.publishers, .publishing-date, .real_custom_columns, .languages').each(function () { var splitText = $(this).text().split(':'); var label = splitText.shift().trim(); var value = splitText.join(':').trim(); var class_value = "" // Preserve Links if ($(this).find('a').length) { value = $(this).find('a').first().removeClass(); } // Preserve glyphicons if ($(this).find('span').length) { class_value = $(this).find('span').first().attr('class'); } $(this).html('' + label + '').find('span').last().append(value); }); $(".book-meta h2:first").clone() .prependTo(".book-meta > .btn-toolbar:first"); // If only one download type exists still put the items into a drop-drown list. downloads = $("a[id^=btnGroupDrop]").get(); if ($(downloads).length === 1) { $('').insertBefore(downloads[downloads.length - 1]); $(downloads).detach(); $.each(downloads, function (i, val) { $("
  • " + downloads[i].outerHTML + "
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Does not currently solve for //screen resizing function dropdownToggle() { topPos = $(".book-meta > .btn-toolbar:first").offset().top if ($("#read-in-browser").length > 0) { position = $("#read-in-browser").offset().left if (position + $(".readinbrowser-drop").width() > $(window).width()) { positionOff = position + $(".readinbrowser-drop").width() - $(window).width(); ribPosition = position - positionOff - 5 $(".readinbrowser-drop").attr("style", "left: " + ribPosition + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } else { $(".readinbrowser-drop").attr("style", "left: " + position + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } } if ($("#sendbtn2").length > 0) { position = $("#sendbtn2").offset().left if (position + $(".sendtoereader-drop").width() > $(window).width()) { positionOff = position + $(".sendtoereader-drop").width() - $(window).width(); ribPosition = position - positionOff - 5 $(".sendtoereader-drop").attr("style", "left: " + ribPosition + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } else { $(".sendtoereader-drop").attr("style", "left: " + position + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } } if ($(".downloadBtn").length > 0) { position = $("#btnGroupDrop1").offset().left if (position + $(".leramslist").width() > $(window).width()) { positionOff = position + $(".leramslist").width() - $(window).width(); dlPosition = position - positionOff - 5 $(".leramslist").attr("style", "left: " + dlPosition + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } else { $(".leramslist").attr("style", "left: " + position + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } } if ($('div[aria-label="Add to shelves"]').length > 0) { position = $('div[aria-label="Add to shelves"]').offset().left if (position + $("#add-to-shelves").width() > $(window).width()) { positionOff = position + $("#add-to-shelves").width() - $(window).width(); adsPosition = position - positionOff - 5; $("#add-to-shelves").attr("style", "left: " + adsPosition + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } else { $("#add-to-shelves").attr("style", "left: " + position + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } } } dropdownToggle(); $(window).on("resize", function () { dropdownToggle(); }); // Clone book rating for mobile view. $(".book-meta > .bookinfo > .rating").clone().insertBefore(".book-meta > .description").addClass("rating-mobile"); } /////////////////////////////// // End of Book Details Work // ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// // Start of Global Work // /////////////////////////////// // Hide dropdown and collapse menus on click-off $(document).mouseup(function (e) { var container = new Array(); container.push($('ul[aria-labelledby="read-in-browser"]')); container.push($(".sendtoereader-drop")); container.push($(".leramslist")); container.push($("#add-to-shelves")); container.push($(".navbar-collapse.collapse.in")); $.each(container, function (key, value) { if (!$(value).is(e.target) // if the target of the click isn't the container... && $(value).has(e.target).length === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container { if ($(value).hasClass("dropdown-menu")) { $(value).hide(); } else { if ($(value).hasClass("collapse")) { $(value).collapse("toggle"); } } } }); }); // Move create shelf $("#nav_createshelf").prependTo(".your-shelves"); // Move About link it the profile dropdown $(".profileDropli #top_user").parent().after($("#nav_about").addClass("dropdown")) // Remove the modals except from some areas where they are needed bodyClass = $("body").attr("class").split(" "); modalWanted = ["admin", "editbook", "config", "uiconfig", "me", "edituser"]; if ($.inArray(bodyClass[0], modalWanted) != -1) { } else { $(" a:not(.dropdown-toggle) ") .removeAttr("data-toggle", "data-target", "data-remote"); } // Add classes to global buttons $("#top_tasks").parent().addClass("top_tasks"); $("#top_admin").parent().addClass("top_admin"); $("#form-upload").parent().addClass("form-upload"); // Search button work $("input#query").focus(function () { $('form[role="search"]').addClass("search-focus"); }); $("input#query").focusout(function () { setTimeout(function () { $('form[role="search"]').removeClass("search-focus"); }, 100); }); // Check if dropdown goes out of viewport and add class $(document).on("click", ".dropdown-toggle", function () { // Add .offscreen if part of container not visible $(".dropdown-menu:visible").filter(function () { return $(this).visible() === false; }).each(function () { $(this).addClass("offscreen"); }); }); // Collapse long text into read-more $("div.comments").readmore({ collapsedHeight: 134, heightMargin: 45, speed: 300, moreLink: 'READ MORE', // ToDo: make translateable lessLink: 'READ LESS', // ToDo: make translateable }); ///////////////////////////////// // End of Global Work // /////////////////////////////// // Search Results if($("body.search").length > 0) { $('div[aria-label="Add to shelves"]').click(function () { $("#add-to-shelves").toggle(); }); } // Advanced Search Results if($("body.advsearch").length > 0) { $("#loader + .container-fluid") .prepend("
    "); $("#add-to-shelves").insertBefore(".blur-wrapper"); $('div[aria-label="Add to shelves"]').click(function () { $("#add-to-shelves").toggle(); }); $('#add-to-shelf').height("40px"); function search_dropdownToggle() { if( $("#add-to-shelf").length) { topPos = $("#add-to-shelf").offset().top - 20; } else { topPos = 0 } if ($('div[aria-label="Add to shelves"]').length > 0) { position = $('div[aria-label="Add to shelves"]').offset().left if (position + $("#add-to-shelves").width() > $(window).width()) { positionOff = position + $("#add-to-shelves").width() - $(window).width(); adsPosition = position - positionOff - 5; $("#add-to-shelves").attr("style", "left: " + adsPosition + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } else { $("#add-to-shelves").attr("style", "left: " + position + "px !important; right: auto; top: " + topPos + "px"); } } } search_dropdownToggle(); $(window).on("resize", function () { search_dropdownToggle(); }); } // Author Page Background Blur if ($("body.author").length > 0) { cover = $(".author-bio img").attr("src"); $("#loader + .container-fluid") .prepend('
    '); $(".blur-wrapper").prepend('Blurred author bio'); // Place undefined cover images inside container if ($('.bg-blur[src="undefined"]').length > 0) { $(".bg-blur").before('
    '); $("img.bg-blur").appendTo('.undefined-img'); } } // Split path name to array and remove blanks url = window.location.pathname // Ereader Page - add class to iframe body on ereader page after it loads. backurl = "../../book/" + url[2] $("body.epub #title-controls") .append('
    ') $("body.stat .col-sm-10 p:first").insertAfter("#libs"); // Check if link is external and force _blank attribute $(function () { // document ready $("a").filter(function () { return this.hostname && this.hostname !== location.hostname; }).each(function () { $(this).addClass("external").attr("target", "_blank"); }); }); // Check if lists are empty and add class to buttons if ($.trim($("#add-to-shelves").html()).length === 0) { $("#add-to-shelf").addClass("empty-ul"); } shelfLength = $("#add-to-shelves li").length; emptyLength = 0; $("#add-to-shelves").on("click", "li a", function () { console.log("#remove-from-shelves change registered"); emptyLength++; setTimeout(function () { if (emptyLength >= shelfLength) { console.log("list is empty; adding empty-ul class"); $("#add-to-shelf").addClass("empty-ul"); } else { console.log("list is not empty; removing empty-ul class"); $("#add-to-shelf").removeClass("empty-ul"); } }, 100); }); if ($.trim($('ul[aria-labelledby="read-in-browser"] li').html()).length === 0) { $("#read-in-browser").addClass("empty-ul"); } // Shelf Buttons and Tooltips if ($("body.shelf").length > 0) { $('div[data-target="#DeleteShelfDialog"]') .before('
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$("#nav_new a:contains('Recently')").contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType === 3 }).each(function () { this.textContent = this.textContent.replace(" Recently Added", recentlyAdded); }); // Change shelf textValue shelfText = $(".shelf .discover h2:first").text().replace(":", " —").replace(/\'/g, ""); $(".shelf .discover h2:first").text(shelfText); shelfText = $(".shelforder .col-sm-10 .col-sm-6.col-lg-6.col-xs-6 h2:first").text().replace(':', ' —').replace(/\'/g, ""); $(".shelforder .col-sm-10 .col-sm-6.col-lg-6.col-xs-6 h2:first").text(shelfText); function mobileSupport() { if ($(window).width() <= 768) { //Move menu to collapse $(".row-fluid > .col-sm-2:first").appendTo(".navbar-collapse.collapse:first"); if ($(".sidebar-backdrop").length < 1) { $(".navbar-collapse.collapse:first").after(""); } } else { //Move menu out of collapse $(".col-sm-2:first").insertBefore(".col-sm-10:first"); $(".sidebar-backdrop").remove(); } } // LayerCake plug if ($(" body.stat p").length > 0) { $(" body.stat p").append(" and layer.Cake"); str = $(" body.stat p").html().replace(".", ""); $(" body.stat p").html(str); } // Collect delete buttons in editbook to single dropdown $(".editbook .text-center.more-stuff").prepend(''); deleteButtons = $(".editbook .text-center.more-stuff a").removeClass("btn btn-danger").attr("type", "").get(); $(deleteButtons).detach(); $(".editbook .text-center.more-stuff h4").remove(); $.each(deleteButtons, function (i, val) { $("
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