Added translation for traditional chinese

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Isaacs 2021-10-17 15:02:16 +02:00
parent 708861bcd5
commit 00dc60da79
43 changed files with 5638 additions and 1977 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Calibre-Web is a web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and d
- full graphical setup
- User management with fine-grained per-user permissions
- Admin interface
- User Interface in brazilian, czech, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, greek, hungarian, italian, japanese, khmer, polish, russian, simplified chinese, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian
- User Interface in brazilian, czech, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, greek, hungarian, italian, japanese, khmer, polish, russian, simplified and traditional chinese, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian
- OPDS feed for eBook reader apps
- Filter and search by titles, authors, tags, series and language
- Create a custom book collection (shelves)

View File

@ -7433,6 +7433,379 @@ LANGUAGE_NAMES = {
"zxx": "No linguistic content",
"zza": "扎扎其语"
"zh_Hant_TW": {
"abk": "Abkhazian",
"ace": "亞齊語",
"ach": "Acoli",
"ada": "Adangme",
"ady": "Adyghe",
"aar": "Afar",
"afh": "Afrihili",
"afr": "南非荷蘭文",
"ain": "愛奴語 ( 日本 )",
"aka": "Akan",
"akk": "Akkadian",
"sqi": "阿爾巴尼亞文",
"ale": "Aleut",
"amh": "Amharic",
"anp": "Angika",
"ara": "阿拉伯",
"arg": "Aragonese",
"arp": "Arapaho",
"arw": "Arawak",
"hye": "Armenian",
"asm": "Assamese",
"ast": "Asturian",
"ava": "Avaric",
"ave": "Avestan",
"awa": "Awadhi",
"aym": "Aymara",
"aze": "亞塞拜疆文",
"ban": "Balinese",
"bal": "Baluchi",
"bam": "Bambara",
"bas": "Basa (Cameroon)",
"bak": "Bashkir",
"eus": "巴斯克文",
"bej": "Beja",
"bel": "白俄羅斯文",
"bem": "Bemba (Zambia)",
"ben": "Bengali",
"bho": "Bhojpuri",
"bik": "Bikol",
"byn": "Bilin",
"bin": "Bini",
"bis": "Bislama",
"zbl": "布利斯符號",
"bos": "Bosnian",
"bra": "Braj",
"bre": "布列塔尼文",
"bug": "Buginese",
"bul": "保加利亞文",
"bua": "Buriat",
"mya": "Burmese",
"cad": "Caddo",
"cat": "加泰隆文",
"ceb": "Cebuano",
"chg": "Chagatai",
"cha": "Chamorro",
"che": "Chechen",
"chr": "Cherokee",
"chy": "Cheyenne",
"chb": "Chibcha",
"zho": "中文",
"chn": "Chinook jargon",
"chp": "Chipewyan",
"cho": "Choctaw",
"chk": "Chuukese",
"chv": "Chuvash",
"cop": "Coptic",
"cor": "Cornish",
"cos": "Corsican",
"cre": "Cree",
"mus": "Creek",
"hrv": "克羅地亞文",
"ces": "捷克文",
"dak": "Dakota",
"dan": "丹麥文",
"dar": "Dargwa",
"del": "Delaware",
"div": "Dhivehi",
"din": "Dinka",
"doi": "Dogri (macrolanguage)",
"dgr": "Dogrib",
"dua": "Duala",
"nld": "荷蘭文",
"dyu": "Dyula",
"dzo": "Dzongkha",
"efi": "Efik",
"egy": "Egyptian (Ancient)",
"eka": "Ekajuk",
"elx": "Elamite",
"eng": "英文",
"myv": "Erzya",
"epo": "世界語",
"est": "愛沙尼亞文",
"ewe": "Ewe",
"ewo": "Ewondo",
"fan": "Fang (Equatorial Guinea)",
"fat": "Fanti",
"fao": "法羅文",
"fij": "Fijian",
"fil": "Filipino",
"fin": "芬蘭文",
"fon": "Fon",
"fra": "法文",
"fur": "Friulian",
"ful": "Fulah",
"gaa": "Ga",
"glg": "Galician",
"lug": "Ganda",
"gay": "Gayo",
"gba": "Gbaya (Central African Republic)",
"gez": "Geez",
"kat": "Georgian",
"deu": "德文",
"gil": "Gilbertese",
"gon": "Gondi",
"gor": "Gorontalo",
"got": "Gothic",
"grb": "Grebo",
"grn": "Guarani",
"guj": "古吉拉特語",
"gwi": "Gwichʼin",
"hai": "Haida",
"hau": "Hausa",
"haw": "Hawaiian",
"heb": "希伯來",
"her": "Herero",
"hil": "Hiligaynon",
"hin": "Hindi",
"hmo": "Hiri Motu",
"hit": "Hittite",
"hmn": "Hmong",
"hun": "匈牙利文",
"hup": "Hupa",
"iba": "Iban",
"isl": "冰島文",
"ido": "Ido",
"ibo": "Igbo",
"ilo": "Iloko",
"ind": "印尼文",
"inh": "Ingush",
"ina": "Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)",
"ile": "Interlingue",
"iku": "Inuktitut",
"ipk": "Inupiaq",
"gle": "愛爾蘭文",
"ita": "意大利文",
"jpn": "日本",
"jav": "Javanese",
"jrb": "Judeo-Arabic",
"jpr": "Judeo-Persian",
"kbd": "Kabardian",
"kab": "Kabyle",
"kac": "Kachin",
"kal": "Kalaallisut",
"xal": "Kalmyk",
"kam": "Kamba (Kenya)",
"kan": "Kannada",
"kau": "Kanuri",
"kaa": "Kara-Kalpak",
"krc": "Karachay-Balkar",
"krl": "Karelian",
"kas": "Kashmiri",
"csb": "Kashubian",
"kaw": "Kawi",
"kaz": "Kazakh",
"kha": "Khasi",
"kho": "Khotanese",
"kik": "Kikuyu",
"kmb": "Kimbundu",
"kin": "Kinyarwanda",
"kir": "Kirghiz",
"tlh": "Klingon",
"kom": "Komi",
"kon": "Kongo",
"kok": "Konkani (macrolanguage)",
"kor": "韓國",
"kos": "Kosraean",
"kpe": "Kpelle",
"kua": "Kuanyama",
"kum": "Kumyk",
"kur": "Kurdish",
"kru": "Kurukh",
"kut": "Kutenai",
"lad": "Ladino",
"lah": "Lahnda",
"lam": "Lamba",
"lao": "Lao",
"lat": "Latin",
"lav": "拉脫維亞文",
"lez": "Lezghian",
"lim": "Limburgan",
"lin": "Lingala",
"lit": "立陶宛文",
"jbo": "Lojban",
"loz": "Lozi",
"lub": "Luba-Katanga",
"lua": "Luba-Lulua",
"lui": "Luiseno",
"smj": "Lule Sami",
"lun": "Lunda",
"luo": "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)",
"lus": "Lushai",
"ltz": "Luxembourgish",
"mkd": "馬其頓文",
"mad": "Madurese",
"mag": "Magahi",
"mai": "Maithili",
"mak": "Makasar",
"mlg": "Malagasy",
"msa": "Malay (macrolanguage)",
"mal": "Malayalam",
"mlt": "Maltese",
"mnc": "Manchu",
"mdr": "Mandar",
"man": "Mandingo",
"mni": "Manipuri",
"glv": "Manx",
"mri": "Maori",
"arn": "Mapudungun",
"mar": "Marathi",
"chm": "Mari (Russia)",
"mah": "Marshallese",
"mwr": "Marwari",
"mas": "Masai",
"men": "Mende (Sierra Leone)",
"mic": "Mi'kmaq",
"min": "Minangkabau",
"mwl": "Mirandese",
"moh": "Mohawk",
"mdf": "Moksha",
"lol": "Mongo",
"mon": "Mongolian",
"mos": "Mossi",
"mul": "Multiple languages",
"nqo": "N'Ko",
"nau": "Nauru",
"nav": "Navajo",
"ndo": "Ndonga",
"nap": "Neapolitan",
"nia": "Nias",
"niu": "Niuean",
"zxx": "非語言內容",
"nog": "Nogai",
"nor": "挪威文",
"nob": "Norwegian Bokmål",
"nno": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
"nym": "Nyamwezi",
"nya": "Nyanja",
"nyn": "Nyankole",
"nyo": "Nyoro",
"nzi": "Nzima",
"oci": "Occitan (post 1500)",
"oji": "Ojibwa",
"orm": "Oromo",
"osa": "Osage",
"oss": "Ossetian",
"pal": "Pahlavi",
"pau": "Palauan",
"pli": "Pali",
"pam": "Pampanga",
"pag": "Pangasinan",
"pan": "Panjabi",
"pap": "Papiamento",
"fas": "Persian",
"phn": "Phoenician",
"pon": "Pohnpeian",
"pol": "波蘭文",
"por": "葡萄牙文",
"pus": "Pashto",
"que": "Quechua",
"raj": "Rajasthani",
"rap": "Rapanui",
"ron": "羅馬尼亞文",
"roh": "Romansh",
"rom": "Romany",
"run": "Rundi",
"rus": "俄羅斯文",
"smo": "Samoan",
"sad": "Sandawe",
"sag": "Sango",
"san": "Sanskrit",
"sat": "Santali",
"srd": "Sardinian",
"sas": "Sasak",
"sco": "Scots",
"sel": "Selkup",
"srp": "塞爾維亞文",
"srr": "Serer",
"shn": "Shan",
"sna": "Shona",
"scn": "Sicilian",
"sid": "Sidamo",
"bla": "Siksika",
"snd": "Sindhi",
"sin": "Sinhala",
"den": "Slave (Athapascan)",
"slk": "斯洛伐克文",
"slv": "斯洛文尼亞文",
"sog": "Sogdian",
"som": "Somali",
"snk": "Soninke",
"spa": "西班牙文",
"srn": "Sranan Tongo",
"suk": "Sukuma",
"sux": "Sumerian",
"sun": "Sundanese",
"sus": "Susu",
"swa": "Swahili (macrolanguage)",
"ssw": "Swati",
"swe": "瑞典文",
"syr": "Syriac",
"tgl": "Tagalog",
"tah": "Tahitian",
"tgk": "Tajik",
"tmh": "Tamashek",
"tam": "Tamil",
"tat": "Tatar",
"tel": "Telugu",
"ter": "Tereno",
"tet": "Tetum",
"tha": "泰國",
"bod": "Tibetan",
"tig": "Tigre",
"tir": "Tigrinya",
"tem": "Timne",
"tiv": "Tiv",
"tli": "Tlingit",
"tpi": "Tok Pisin",
"tkl": "Tokelau",
"tog": "Tonga (Nyasa)",
"ton": "Tonga (Tonga Islands)",
"tsi": "Tsimshian",
"tso": "Tsonga",
"tsn": "Tswana",
"tum": "Tumbuka",
"tur": "土耳其",
"tuk": "Turkmen",
"tvl": "Tuvalu",
"tyv": "Tuvinian",
"twi": "Twi",
"udm": "Udmurt",
"uga": "Ugaritic",
"uig": "Uighur",
"ukr": "烏克蘭語",
"umb": "Umbundu",
"mis": "Uncoded languages",
"und": "Undetermined",
"urd": "烏爾都語",
"uzb": "烏茲別克語",
"vai": "Vai",
"ven": "文達語",
"vie": "越南語",
"vol": "沃拉普克語",
"vot": "Votic",
"wln": "瓦隆語",
"war": "Waray (Philippines)",
"was": "Washo",
"cym": "威爾斯語",
"wal": "Wolaytta",
"wol": "渥魯夫語",
"xho": " 科薩語",
"sah": "Yakut",
"yao": "Yao",
"yap": "雅浦語",
"yid": "意第緒語",
"yor": "約魯巴語",
"zap": "薩波特克語",
"zza": "扎扎其語",
"zen": " 哲納加語",
"zha": " 壯語",
"zul": "祖魯語",
"zun": "祖尼語"
"en": {
"aar": "Afar",
"abk": "Abkhazian",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-09 21:11+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Lukas Heroudek <>\n"
"Language: cs_CZ\n"
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ msgstr "Úspěšně obnovené připojení"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Neznámý příkaz"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Neznámý"
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "Nastavení e-mailového serveru aktualizováno"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurace funkcí"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Vyplňte všechna pole!"
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgstr "Upravit uživatele %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Uživatel '%(nick)s' aktualizován"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Neznámá chyba. Opakujte prosím později."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ msgstr "Nastavení e-mailového serveru aktualizováno"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Heslo pro uživatele %(user)s resetováno"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Nejprve nakonfigurujte nastavení pošty SMTP..."
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ msgstr "není nakonfigurováno"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Chybí povolení k exekuci"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "Vlastní sloupec %(column)d neexistuje v databázi"
@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ msgstr "Formát knihy úspěšně smazán"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Kniha úspěšně smazána"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Jejda! Vybraná kniha není k dispozici. Soubor neexistuje nebo není přístupný"
@ -515,76 +515,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s není platným jazykem"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Soubor s příponou '%(ext)s' nelze odeslat na tento server"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Soubor, který má být odeslán musí mít příponu"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit cestu %(path)s (oprávnění odepřeno)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Uložení souboru %(file)s se nezdařilo."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Chyba databáze: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Formát souboru %(ext)s přidán do %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadata úspěšně aktualizována"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Chyba při úpravách knihy, zkontrolujte prosím log pro podrobnosti"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Nahraná kniha pravděpodobně existuje v knihovně, zvažte prosím změnu před nahráním nové: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Soubor %(filename)s nemohl být uložen do dočasného adresáře"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se přesunout soubor obalu %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Soubor %(file)s nahrán"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Chybí zdrojový nebo cílový formát pro převod"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Kniha byla úspěšně zařazena do fronty pro převod do %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Při převodu této knihy došlo k chybě: %(res)s"
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ msgstr "Soubor %(file)s nenalezen na Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Cesta ke knize %(path)s nebyla nalezena na Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Byl nalezen existující účet pro tuto e-mailovou adresu."
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ msgstr "Kobo nastavení"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Registrovat s %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "nyní jste přihlášen jako: '%(nickname)s'"
@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Přihlásit"
@ -912,8 +912,8 @@ msgstr "Objevte"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Zobrazit náhodné knihy"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorie"
@ -922,8 +922,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Zobrazit výběr kategorie"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Série"
@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ msgstr "Série"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Zobrazit výběr sérií"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autoři"
@ -940,8 +940,8 @@ msgstr "Autoři"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Zobrazit výběr autora"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Vydavatelé"
@ -949,9 +949,9 @@ msgstr "Vydavatelé"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Zobrazit výběr vydavatele"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Jazyky"
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ msgstr "Archivované knihy"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Zobrazit archivované knihy"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr ""
@ -1168,129 +1168,129 @@ msgstr "Kategorie: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Jazyky: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Rozšířené hledání"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hledat"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Stáhnutí"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Seznam hodnocení"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Seznam formátů"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Úlohy"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Vydáno po "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Vydáno před "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Hodnocení <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Hodnocení >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Kniha byla úspěšně zařazena do fronty pro odeslání na %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Při odesílání této knihy došlo k chybě: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Nejprve nakonfigurujte vaši kindle e-mailovou adresu.."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "E-mailový server není nakonfigurován, kontaktujte svého správce!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrovat"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Váš e-mail nemá povolení k registraci"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Potvrzovací e-mail byl odeslán na váš účet."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "Nelze aktivovat ověření LDAP"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Záložní přihlášení jako: %(nickname)s, server LDAP není dosažitelný nebo neznámý uživatel"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Nelze se přihlásit: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Špatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Nové heslo bylo zasláno na vaši emailovou adresu"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Zadejte platné uživatelské jméno pro obnovení hesla"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Nyní jste přihlášeni jako: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)s profil"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Profil aktualizován"
@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Upravovat"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1781,98 +1781,106 @@ msgstr "Chyba vyhledávání!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné výsledky! Zadejte jiné klíčové slovo."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Název"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Identifikátory"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Jste si opravdu jisti?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
@ -2289,45 +2297,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Publikováno"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Označit jako nepřečtené"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Označit jako přečtené"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Přečteno"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Obnovit z archivu"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Archívovat"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Archivováno"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Popis:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Přidat do police"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Veřejné)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Upravit metadata"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-01 17:24+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ozzie Isaacs\n"
"Language: de\n"
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ msgstr "Erfolgreich neu verbunden"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Unbekannter Befehl"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Unbekannt"
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ msgstr "Einstellungen des E-Mail-Servers aktualisiert"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Datenbank-Konfiguration"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Bitte alle Felder ausfüllen!"
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ msgstr "Benutzer %(nick)s bearbeiten"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Benutzer '%(nick)s' aktualisiert"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Es ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte später erneut versuchen."
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ msgstr "Einstellungen des E-Mail-Servers aktualisiert"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Passwort für Benutzer %(user)s wurde zurückgesetzt"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Bitte zuerst die SMTP-Einstellung konfigurieren ..."
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ msgstr "Nicht konfiguriert"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Ausführeberechtigung fehlt"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Spalte Nr. %(column)d ist nicht in Calibre Datenbank vorhanden"
@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ msgstr "Buch Format erfolgreich gelöscht"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Buch erfolgreich gelöscht"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Öffnen des Buchs fehlgeschlagen. Datei existiert nicht oder ist nicht zugänglich"
@ -508,76 +508,76 @@ msgstr "%(seriesindex)s ist keine gültige Zahl, Eintrag wird ignoriert"
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s ist keine gültige Sprache"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Dateiendung '%(ext)s' kann nicht auf diesen Server hochgeladen werden"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Dateien müssen eine Erweiterung haben, um hochgeladen zu werden"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Pfads %(path)s (Zugriff verweigert)"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Fehler beim Speichern der Datei %(file)s."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Datenbankfehler: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Dateiformat %(ext)s zu %(book)s hinzugefügt"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "IDs unterscheiden nicht Groß-Kleinschreibung, alte ID wird überschrieben"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadaten wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Fehler beim Editieren des Buchs, Details im Logfile"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Das hochgeladene Buch existiert evtl. schon in der Bibliothek: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Die Datei %(filename)s konnte nicht im temporären Ordner gespeichert werden"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Fehler beim Verschieben der Cover Datei %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Datei %(file)s hochgeladen"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Quell- oder Zielformat für Konvertierung fehlt"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Buch wurde erfolgreich für die Konvertierung nach %(book_format)s eingereiht"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Es trat ein Fehler beim Konvertieren des Buches auf: %(res)s"
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ msgstr "Datei %(file)s wurde nicht auf Google Drive gefunden"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Buchpfad %(path)s wurde nicht auf Google Drive gefunden"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Es existiert bereits ein Benutzer für diese E-Mailadresse"
@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ msgstr "Kobo Setup"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Anmelden mit %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Du bist nun eingeloggt als '%(nickname)s'"
@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr "{} Sterne"
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"
@ -904,8 +904,8 @@ msgstr "Entdecke"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Zeige zufällige Bücher"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorien"
@ -914,8 +914,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Zeige Kategorienauswahl"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Serien"
@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ msgstr "Serien"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Zeige Serienauswahl"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autoren"
@ -932,8 +932,8 @@ msgstr "Autoren"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Zeige Autorenauswahl"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Verleger"
@ -941,9 +941,9 @@ msgstr "Verleger"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Zeige Verlegerauswahl"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Sprachen"
@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ msgstr "Archivierte Bücher"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Zeige archivierte Bücher"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "Bücherliste"
@ -1158,129 +1158,129 @@ msgstr "Kategorie: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Sprache: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Erweiterte Suche"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Suche"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Downloads"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Bewertungsliste"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Liste der Dateiformate"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Aufgaben"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Herausgegeben nach dem "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Herausgegeben vor dem "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Bewertung <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Bewertung >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr "Lesestatus = %(status)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr "Fehler bei der Suche nach eigenen Spalten, bitte Calibre-Web neustarten"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Buch erfolgreich zum Senden an %(kindlemail)s eingereiht"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Beim Senden des Buchs trat ein Fehler auf: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Bitte zuerst die Kindle E-Mailadresse konfigurieren..."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "Der E-Mail Server ist nicht konfigurierte, bitte den Administrator kontaktieren!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrieren"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Diese E-Mail ist nicht für die Registrierung zugelassen"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail wurde an deinen E-Mail Account versendet."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "LDAP-Authentifizierung kann nicht aktiviert werden"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Rückfall Login als: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server ist nicht erreichbar, oder der Nutzer ist unbekannt"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Login nicht erfolgreich: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Falscher Benutzername oder Passwort"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Das neue Passwort wurde an die E-Mail Adresse verschickt"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Bitte einen gültigen Benutzernamen zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts angeben"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Eingeloggt als: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)s's Profil"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Profil aktualisiert"
@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editieren"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1770,98 +1770,106 @@ msgstr "Fehler bei der Suche!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden! Bitte ein anderes Schlüsselwort benutzen."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "Dieses Feld ist erforderlich"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "Buchauswahl zusammenführen"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "Auswahl aufheben"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr "Autor und Titel tauschen"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "Titelsortierung automatisch aktualisieren"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "Autorensortierung automatisch aktualisieren"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Titel eingeben"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "Titelsortierung eingeben"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "Titelsortierung"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "Autorensortierung eingeben"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "Autorensortierung"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "Autoren eingeben"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "Kategorien eingeben"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "Serie eingeben"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "Serienindex"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "Sprache eingeben"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "Herausgabedatum"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "Herausgeber eingeben"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "IDs"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Sicher?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "Bücher werden zusammengeführt. Von Titel:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "In Buch mit Titel:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Zusammenführen"
@ -2277,45 +2285,45 @@ msgstr "Buch %(index)s von %(range)s"
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Herausgabedatum"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Als ungelesen markieren"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Als gelesen markieren"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Gelesen"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Vom Archiv wiederherstellen"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Zum Archiv hinzufügen"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Archiviert"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Beschreibung:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Zu Bücherregal hinzufügen"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Öffentlich)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Metadaten bearbeiten"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Depountis Georgios\n"
"Language: el\n"
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ msgstr "Επιτυχής επανασύνδεση"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Άγνωστη εντολή"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "ʼΑγνωστο"
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "Ενημερώθηκαν οι ρυθμίσεις E-mail διακομισ
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Διαμόρφωση Λειτουργίας"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Παρακαλούμε συμπλήρωσε όλα τα πεδία!"
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgstr "Επεξεργασία χρήστη %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Χρήστης/ες '%(nick)s' ενημερώθηκαν"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Προέκυψε ένα άγνωστο σφάλμα. Παρακαλούμε δοκίμασε ξανά αργότερα."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ msgstr "Ενημερώθηκαν οι ρυθμίσεις E-mail διακομισ
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Κωδικός για επαναφορά %(user) χρήστη/ών"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Παρακαλούμε διαμόρφωσε πρώτα τις ρυθμίσεις ταχυδρομείου SMTP..."
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ msgstr "δεν διαμορφώθηκε"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Λείπουν άδειες εκτέλεσης"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "Η ειδικά προσαρμοσμένη στήλη No.%(column)d δεν υπάρχει στο επίπεδο βάσης δεδομένων"
@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ msgstr "Η μορφή βιβλίου Διαγράφηκε Επιτυχώς"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Το Βιβλίο Διαγράφηκε Επιτυχώς"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Oυπς! Ο επιλεγμένος τίτλος βιβλίου δεν είναι διαθέσιμος. Το αρχείο δεν υπάρχει ή δεν είναι προσβάσιμο"
@ -515,76 +515,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s δεν είναι μια έγκυρη γλώσσα"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Η επέκταση αρχείου '%(ext)s' δεν επιτρέπεται να ανέβει σε αυτό το διακομιστή"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Το αρχείο προς ανέβασμα πρέπει να έχει μια επέκταση"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Αποτυχεία δημιουργίας πορείας %(path)s (Η άδεια απορρήφθηκε)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Αποτυχία αποθήκευσης αρχείου %(file)s."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Σφάλμα βάσης δεδομένων: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Μορφή αρχείου %(ext)s προστέθηκε σε %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Τα αναγνωριστικά δεν έχουν Διάκριση Πεζών-Κεφαλαίων Γραμμάτων, Αντικατάσταση Παλιού Αναγνωριστικού"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Τα μεταδεδομένα ενημερώθηκαν επιτυχώς"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Σφάλμα επεξεργασίας βιβλίου, παρακαλούμε έλεγξε το φύλλο καταγραφής για λεπτομέρειες"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Το βιβλίο που ανέβηκε πιθανόν να υπάρχει στη βιβλιοθήκη, σκέψου να το αλλάξεις πριν ανεβάσεις νέο: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Το αρχείο %(filename)s δεν μπόρεσε να αποθηκευτεί σε temp dir"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Αποτυχία Μετακίνησης Αρχείου Φόντου %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Το αρχείο %(file)s ανέβηκε"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Η δομή πηγής ή προορισμού για μετατροπή λείπει"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Το βιβλίο είναι σε σειρά επιτυχώς για μετατροπή σε %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα στη μετατροπή αυτού του βιβλίου: %(res)s"
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ msgstr "Το αρχείο %(file)s δεν βρέθηκε στο Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Η πορεία βιβλίου %(path)s δεν βρέθηκε στο Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Βρέθηκε ένας ήδη υπάρχον λογαριασμός για αυτή τη διεύθυνση e-mail."
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ msgstr "Καθορισμός Kobo"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Εγγραφή με %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "τώρα έχεις συνδεθεί ως: '%(nickname)s'"
@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Σύνδεση"
@ -912,8 +912,8 @@ msgstr "Ανακάλυψε"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Προβολή Τυχαίων Βιβλίων"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Κατηγορίες"
@ -922,8 +922,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Προβολή επιλογών κατηγορίας"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Σειρές"
@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ msgstr "Σειρές"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Προβολή επιλογών σειράς"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Συγγραφείς"
@ -940,8 +940,8 @@ msgstr "Συγγραφείς"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Προβολή επιλογών συγγραφέα"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Εκδότες"
@ -949,9 +949,9 @@ msgstr "Εκδότες"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Προβολή επιλογών εκδότη"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Γλώσσες"
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ msgstr "Αρχειοθετημένα Βιβλία"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Προβολή αρχειοθετημένων βιβλίων"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "Λίστα Βιβλίων"
@ -1168,129 +1168,129 @@ msgstr "Κατηγορία: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Γλώσσα: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Προχωρημένη Αναζήτηση"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Αναζήτηση"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Κατεβασμένα"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Λίστα αξιολογήσεων"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Λίστα μορφών αρχείου"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Εργασίες"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Εκδόθηκε μετά"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Εκδόθηκε πριν"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Αξιολόγηση <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Αξιολόγηση >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Το βιβλίο έχει επιτυχώς μπει σε σειρά για αποστολή στο %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Oυπς! Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά την αποστολή αυτού του βιβλίου: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Παρακαλούμε ενημέρωσε το προφίλ σου με μια έγκυρη Διεύθυνση E-mail Αποστολής στο Kindle."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "Ο διακομιστής E-Mail δεν έχει διαμορφωθεί, παρακαλούμε επικοινώνησε με το διαχειριστή σου!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Εγγραφή"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Η διεύθυνση e-mail σου δεν επιτρέπεται να εγγραφεί"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Το e-mail επιβεβαίωσης έχει σταλεί στον e-mail λογαριασμό σου."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "Δεν μπόρεσε να ενεργοποιηθεί η επαλήθευση LDAP"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Εναλλακτική Σύνδεση ως: '%(nickname)s', Ο Διακομιστής LDAP δεν είναι προσβάσιμος, ή ο χρήστης δεν είναι γνωστός"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Δεν μπόρεσε να συνδεθεί: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Λανθασμένο Όνομα Χρήστη ή Κωδικός"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Ο Νέος Κωδικός έχει σταλεί στη διεύθυνση email σου"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Παρακαλούμε συμπλήρωσε ένα έγκυρο όνομα χρήστη για επαναφορά του κωδικού"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Έχεις συνδεθεί ως: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)s's προφίλ"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Το προφίλ ενημερώθηκε"
@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Επεξεργασία"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1781,98 +1781,106 @@ msgstr "Σφάλμα αναζήτησης!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκε(αν) αποτέλεσμα(τα)! Παρακαλούμε δοκίμασε μια άλλη λέξη κλειδί."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "Αυτό το Πεδίο Απαιτείται"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "Συγχώνευση επιλεγμένων βιβλίων"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "Αφαίρεση Επιλογών"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "Ενημέρωση Ταξινόμησης Τίτλων αυτόματα"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "Ενημέρωση Ταξινίμησης Συγγραφέα αυτόματα"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Εισαγωγή Τίτλου"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Τίτλος"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "Εισαγωγή Ταξινόμησης Τίτλου"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "Ταξινόμηση Τίτλου"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "Εισαγωγή Ταξινόμησης Συγγραφέας"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "Ταξινόμηση Συγγραφέα"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "Εισαγωγή Συγγραφέων"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "Εισαγωγή Κατηγοριών"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "Εισαγωγή Σειρών"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "Ευρετήριο Σειρών"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "Εισαγωγή Γλωσσών"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "Εισαγωγή Εκδοτών"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Αναγνωριστικά"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Είσαι πραγματικά σίγουρος/η;"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "Βιβλία με Τίτλους θα ενωθούν από:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "Μέσα σε Βιβλίο με Τίτλο:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Συγχώνευση"
@ -2289,45 +2297,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Εκδόθηκε"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Σήμανση ως Αδιάβαστο"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Σήμανση ως Διαβασμένο"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Διαβάστηκε"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Επαναφορά από το αρχείο"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Προσθήκη στο αρχείο"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Αρχειοθετήθηκε"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Περιγραφή"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Προσθήκη στο ράφι"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Δημόσιο)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Επεξεργασία Μεταδεδομένων"

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-25 17:22+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: minakmostoles <>\n"
"Language: es\n"
@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ msgstr "Reconexión correcta"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Comando desconocido"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconocido"
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ msgstr "Actualizados los ajustes del servidor de correo electrónico"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Configuración de la base de datos"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "¡Por favor, rellena todos los campos!"
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ msgstr "Editar Usuario %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Usuario '%(nick)s' actualizado"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error desconocido. Por favor vuelva a intentarlo más tarde."
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ msgstr "Actualizados los ajustes del servidor de correo electrónico"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Contraseña para el usuario %(user)s reinicializada"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Configura primero los parámetros del servidor SMTP..."
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ msgstr "no configurado"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Faltan permisos de ejecución"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "Columna personalizada No.%(column)d no existe en la base de datos calibre"
@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ msgstr "Formato de libro eliminado con éxito"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Libro eliminado con éxito"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "oh, oh, el libro seleccionado no está disponible. El archivo no existe o no es accesible"
@ -519,76 +519,76 @@ msgstr "%(seriesindex) no es un número válido, saltando"
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s no es un idioma válido"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "No se permite subir archivos con la extensión '%(ext)s' a este servidor"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "El archivo a subir debe tener una extensión"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Fallo al crear la ruta %(path)s (permiso denegado)"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Fallo al guardar el archivo %(file)s."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Error en la base de datos: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Archivo con formato %(ext)s añadido a %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Los identificadores no distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas, sobrescribiendo el identificador antiguo"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadatos actualizados con éxito"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Error al editar el libro, por favor, compruebe el archivo de registro (logfile) para tener más detalles"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "El libro cargado probablemente existe en la biblioteca, considera cambiarlo antes de subirlo de nuevo: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "El archivo %(filename)s no pudo salvarse en el directorio temporal (Temp Dir)"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Fallo al mover el archivo de cubierta %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "El fichero %(file)s ha sido subido"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Falta la fuente o el formato de destino para la conversión"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Libro puesto a la cola para su conversión a %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Ocurrió un error al convertir este libro: %(res)s"
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ msgstr "Fichero %(file)s no encontrado en Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "La ruta %(path)s del libro no fue encontrada en Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Encontrada una cuenta existente para esa dirección de correo electrónico"
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ msgstr "Configuración de Kobo"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Registrado con %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "has iniciado sesión como : '%(nickname)s'"
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr "{} Estrellas"
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Inicio de sesión"
@ -916,8 +916,8 @@ msgstr "Descubrir"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Mostrar libros al azar"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorías"
@ -926,8 +926,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Mostrar selección de categorías"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Series"
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ msgstr "Series"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Mostrar selección de series"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autores"
@ -944,8 +944,8 @@ msgstr "Autores"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Mostrar selección de autores"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Editores"
@ -953,9 +953,9 @@ msgstr "Editores"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Mostrar selección de editores"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Idiomas"
@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ msgstr "Libros archivados"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Mostrar libros archivados"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "Lista de Libros"
@ -1172,129 +1172,129 @@ msgstr "Categoría : %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Idioma: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Búsqueda avanzada"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Buscar"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Descargas"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Lista de calificaciones"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Lista de formatos"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Tareas"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Publicado después de "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Publicado antes de "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Calificación <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Calificación >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr "Estado de lectura = $(status)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr "Error en la búsqueda de columnas personalizadas, por favor reinicia Calibre-Web"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Libro puesto en la cola de envío a %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Ha sucedido un error en el envío del libro: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Por favor actualiza tu perfil con la dirección de correo de su kindle..."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "El servidor de correo no está configurado, por favor, ¡avisa a tu administrador!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registro"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Su correo electrónico no está permitido para registrarse"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Se ha enviado un correo electrónico de verificación a su cuenta de correo."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "No se puede activar la autenticación LDAP"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Fallback login como: '%(nickname)s', no se puede acceder al servidor LDAP o usuario desconocido"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "No se pudo entrar: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Usuario o contraseña inválido"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Una nueva contraseña se ha enviado a su cuenta de correo electrónico"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Por favor, introduce un usuario válido para restablecer la contraseña"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Ahora estás conectado como: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "Perfil de %(name)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Perfil actualizado"
@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1557,7 +1557,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1785,98 +1785,106 @@ msgstr "¡Error en la búsqueda!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "¡No se encontraron resultados! Por favor intenta con otra palabra clave."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "Este campo es obligatorio"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "Fusionar libros seleccionados"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "Eliminar selección"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr "Intercambiar autor y título"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "Actualizar orden de título automáticamente"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "Actualizar orden de autor automáticamente"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Introduce título"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "Introduce el orden del título"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "Orden del título"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "Introduce orden del autor"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "Orden del autor"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "Introduce los autores"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "Introduce las categorías"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "Introduce las series"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "Índice de la serie"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "Introduce los idiomas"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "Fecha de publicación"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "Introduce los Editores"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Identificadores"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "¿Estás realmente seguro?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "Libros con título serán fusionados de:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "En el libro con el título:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Fusionar"
@ -2293,45 +2301,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Publicado"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Marcar como no leido"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Marcar como leido"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Leído"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Restarurar desde el archivo"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Añadir a archivación"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Archivado"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Descripción:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Agregar al estante"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Público)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Editar metadatos"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-12 13:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Samuli Valavuo <>\n"
"Language: fi\n"
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Tuntematon"
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "Sähköpostipalvelimen tiedot päivitetty"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Ominaisuuksien asetukset"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Ole hyvä ja täytä kaikki kentät!"
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgstr "Muokkaa käyttäjää %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Käyttäjä '%(nick)s' päivitetty"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Tapahtui tuntematon virhe. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ msgstr "Sähköpostipalvelimen tiedot päivitetty"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Käyttäjän %(user)s salasana palautettu"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Ole hyvä ja aseta SMTP postiasetukset ensin..."
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr ""
@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Virhe eKirjan avaamisessa. Tiedostoa ei ole tai se ei ole saatavilla:"
@ -513,76 +513,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s ei ole kelvollinen kieli"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Tiedostopääte '%(ext)s' ei ole sallittujen palvelimelle ladattavien listalla"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Ladattavalla tiedostolla on oltava tiedostopääte"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Polun %(path)s luonti epäonnistui (Ei oikeutta)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Tiedoston %(file)s tallennus epäonnistui."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Tiedostoformaatti %(ext)s lisätty %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadata päivitetty onnistuneesti"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Kirjan editoinnissa tapahtui virhe, tarkista virheilmoitus lokista"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Tiedosto %(file)s tallennettu"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Lähteen tai kohteen tiedostomuoto puuttuu"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Kirja lisätty muutosjonoon muotoon %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Kirjan muunnoksessa tapahtui virhe: %(res)s"
@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ msgstr "Tiedostoa %(file)s ei löytynyt Google Drivesta"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Kirjan polkua %(path)s ei löytynyt Google Drivesta"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Tälle sähköpostiosoitteelle läytyi jo käyttäjätunnus."
@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Rekisteröi tuottajalle %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "olet nyt kirjautunut tunnuksella: \"%(nickname)s\""
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Kirjaudu sisään"
@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ msgstr "Löydä"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Näytä satunnausia kirjoja"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategoriat"
@ -920,8 +920,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Näytä kategoriavalinta"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Sarjat"
@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ msgstr "Sarjat"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Näytä sarjavalinta"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Kirjailijat"
@ -938,8 +938,8 @@ msgstr "Kirjailijat"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Näytä kirjailijavalinta"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Julkaisijat"
@ -947,9 +947,9 @@ msgstr "Julkaisijat"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Näytä julkaisijavalinta"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Kielet"
@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr ""
@ -1166,129 +1166,129 @@ msgstr "Kategoria: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Kieli: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Edistynyt haku"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hae"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "DLS"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Arvostelulistaus"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Tiedostomuotolistaus"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Tehtävät"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Julkaistu alkaen "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Julkaisut ennen "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Arvostelu <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Arvostelu >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Kirja lisätty onnistuneeksi lähetettäväksi osoitteeseen %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Kirjan: %(res)s lähettämisessa tapahtui virhe"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Ole hyvä ja aseta Kindle sähköpostiosoite ensin..."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Rekisteröi"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Sähköpostiosoitteellasi ei ole sallittua rekisteröityä"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Vahvistusviesti on lähetetty sähköpostiosoitteeseesi."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "LDAP autnetikoinnin aktivointi ei onnistu"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Väärä käyttäjätunnus tai salasana"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "olet kirjautunut tunnuksella: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)sn profiili"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Profiili päivitetty"
@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Muokkaa"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1779,98 +1779,106 @@ msgstr "Hakuvirhe!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Ei osumia! Kokeile jotain tosita hakusanaa."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Otsikko"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Rekisteröi"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Oletko aivan varma?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
@ -2286,45 +2294,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Merkitse lukemattomaksi"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Merkitse luetuksi"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Luettu"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Kuvaus:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Lisää hyllyyn"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Muokkaa metadataa"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-07 06:47+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ msgstr "Reconnecté avec succès"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Commande inconnue"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Inconnu"
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ msgstr "Les paramètres du serveur de courriels ont été mis à jour"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Configuration des options"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Veuillez compléter tous les champs !"
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ msgstr "Éditer l'utilisateur %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Utilisateur '%(nick)s' mis à jour"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Une erreur inconnue est survenue. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ msgstr "Les paramètres du serveur de courriels ont été mis à jour"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Le mot de passe de lutilisateur %(user)s a été réinitialisé"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Veuillez configurer les paramètres SMTP au préalable..."
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ msgstr "non configuré"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Les permissions d'exécutions manquantes"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "La colonne personnalisée No.%(column)d n'existe pas dans la base de données calibre"
@ -512,8 +512,8 @@ msgstr "Le format du livre a été supprimé avec succès"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Le livre a été supprimé avec succès"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Erreur d'ouverture du livre numérique. Le fichier n'existe pas ou n'est pas accessible"
@ -531,76 +531,76 @@ msgstr "%(seriesindex)s nest pas un nombre valide, ignoré"
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s n'est pas une langue valide"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Lextension de fichier '%(ext)s' nest pas autorisée pour être déposée sur ce serveur"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Pour être déposé le fichier doit avoir une extension"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Impossible de créer le chemin %(path)s (Permission refusée)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Échec de la sauvegarde du fichier %(file)s."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Erreur de la base de données: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Le format de fichier %(ext)s a été ajouté à %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Les identificateurs ne sont pas sensibles à la casse, écrasant lancien identificateur"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Les métadonnées ont bien été mises à jour"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Erreur dédition du livre, veuillez consulter le journal (log) pour plus de détails"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Le fichier téléchargé existe probablement dans la librairie, veuillez le modifier avant de le télécharger de nouveau: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Le fichier %(filename)s ne peut pas être sauvegardé dans le répertoire temporaire"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Impossible de déplacer le fichier de couverture %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Le fichier %(file)s a été téléchargé"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Le format de conversion de la source ou de la destination est manquant"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Le livre a été mis avec succès en file de traitement pour conversion vers %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue au cours de la conversion du livre : %(res)s"
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ msgstr "Le fichier %(file)s n'a pas été trouvé dans Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Le chemin du livre %(path)s n'a pas été trouvé dans Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Un compte existant a été trouvé pour cette adresse de courriel."
@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ msgstr "Configuration Kobo"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Enregistrer avec %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "vous êtes maintenant connecté comme : '%(nickname)s'"
@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr "{} Étoiles"
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Connexion"
@ -928,8 +928,8 @@ msgstr "Découvrir"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Montrer des livres au hasard"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Catégories"
@ -938,8 +938,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Montrer la sélection par catégories"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Séries"
@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ msgstr "Séries"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Montrer la sélection par séries"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Auteurs"
@ -956,8 +956,8 @@ msgstr "Auteurs"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Montrer la sélection par auteur"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Éditeurs"
@ -965,9 +965,9 @@ msgstr "Éditeurs"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Montrer la sélection par éditeur"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Langues"
@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ msgstr "Livres archivés"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Afficher les livres archivés"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "Liste des livres"
@ -1184,129 +1184,129 @@ msgstr "Catégorie : %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Langue : %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Recherche avancée"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Chercher"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Téléchargements"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Liste des évaluations"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Liste de formats de fichiers"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Tâches"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Publié après le "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Publié avant le "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Évaluation <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Évaluation >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr "Status de lecture = %(status)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la recherche de colonnes personnalisées, veuillez redémarrer Calibre-Web"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Le livre a été mis en file de traitement avec succès pour un envoi vers %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Il y a eu une erreur en envoyant ce livre : %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Veuillez mettre à jour votre profil avec une adresse de courriel Kindle valide."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "Le serveur de courriel n'est pas configuré, veuillez contacter votre administrateur!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Créer un compte"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Votre adresse de courriel nest pas autorisé pour une inscription"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Le courriel de confirmation a été envoyé à votre adresse."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "Impossible dactiver lauthentification LDAP"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Connexion de secours comme: '%(nickname)s', le serveur LDAP est indisponible, ou l'utilisateur est inconnu"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Impossible de se connecter: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Mauvais nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Le nouveau mot de passe a été envoyé vers votre adresse de courriel"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Veuillez entrer un nom d'utilisateur valide pour réinitialiser le mot de passe"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Vous êtes maintenant connecté en tant que : %(nickname)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "Profil de %(name)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Profil mis à jour"
@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Éditer"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1797,98 +1797,106 @@ msgstr "Erreur lors de la recherche!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Aucun résultat. Veuillez essayer avec un nouveau mot clé."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "Ce champ est requis"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "Fusionner les livres sélectionnés"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "Supprimer la sélection"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr "Échanger lauteur et le titre"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "Mettre à jour automatiquement le tri des titres"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "Mettre à jour automatiquement le tri des auteurs"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Insérer le titre"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titre"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "Insérer le tri des titres"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "Tri des titres"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "Insérer le tri des auteurs"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "Tri des auteurs"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "Insérer les auteurs"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "Insérer les catégories"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "Insérer les séries"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "Index des séries"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "Insérer les langues"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "Date de publication"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "Insérer léditeur"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Identifiants"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Êtes-vous vraiment sûr?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "Les livres avec titre vont être fusionnés depuis :"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "Dans le livre avec le titre:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Fusionner"
@ -2305,45 +2313,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Publié"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Marquer comme non lu"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Marquer comme lu"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Lu"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Restaurer à partir de l'archive"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Ajouter comme archive"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Archivé"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Description :"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Ajouter à l'étagère"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Public)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Éditer les métadonnées"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-06 23:36+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: hu\n"
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ismeretlen"
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "Az e-mail kiszolgáló beállításai frissítve."
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Funkciók beállítása"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Az összes mezőt ki kell tölteni!"
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgstr " A felhasználó szerkesztése: %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "A felhasználó frissítve: %(nick)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba történt. Próbáld újra később!"
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ msgstr "Az e-mail kiszolgáló beállításai frissítve."
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "A(z) %(user)s felhasználó jelszavának alaphelyzetbe állítása"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Először be kell állítani az SMTP levelező beállításokat..."
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr ""
@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Hiba történt az e-könyv megnyitásakor. A fájl nem létezik vagy nem érhető el:"
@ -513,76 +513,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "A(z) %(langname)s nem érvényes nyelv"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "A(z) \"%(ext)s\" kiterjesztésű fájlok feltöltése nincs engedélyezve ezen a szerveren."
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "A feltöltendő fájlnak kiterjesztéssel kell rendelkeznie!"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Nem sikerült létrehozni az elérési utat (engedély megtagadva): %(path)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Nem sikerült elmenteni a %(file)s fájlt."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "A(z) %(ext)s fájlformátum hozzáadva a könyvhez: %(book)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "A metaadatok sikeresen frissültek"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Hiba a könyv szerkesztése során, további részletek a naplófájlban."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Az átalakításhoz hiányzik a forrás- vagy a célformátum!"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "A könyv sikeresen átalakításra lett jelölve a következő formátumra: %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Hiba történt a könyv átalakításakor: %(res)s"
@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ msgstr "A \"%(file)s\" fájl nem található a Google Drive-on"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "A könyv elérési útja (\"%(path)s\") nem található a Google Drive-on"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Már létezik felhasználó ehhez az e-mail címhez."
@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Be vagy jelentkezve mint: %(nickname)s"
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Belépés"
@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ msgstr "Felfedezés"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Mutass könyveket találomra"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Címkék"
@ -920,8 +920,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Címke választó mutatása"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Sorozatok"
@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ msgstr "Sorozatok"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Sorozat választó mutatása"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Szerzők"
@ -938,8 +938,8 @@ msgstr "Szerzők"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Szerző választó mutatása"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Kiadók"
@ -947,9 +947,9 @@ msgstr "Kiadók"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Kiadó választó mutatása"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Nyelvek"
@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr ""
@ -1166,129 +1166,129 @@ msgstr "Címke: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Nyelv: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Részletes keresés"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Keresés"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Letöltések"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Feladatok"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Kiadva ezután: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Kiadva ezelőtt: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Értékelés <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Értékelés <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "A könyv sikeresen küldésre lett jelölve a következő címre: %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Hiba történt a könyv küldésekor: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Először be kell állítani a kindle e-mail címet..."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Regisztrálás"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Nem engedélyezett a megadott e-mail cím bejegyzése"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Jóváhagyó levél elküldve az email címedre."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Rossz felhasználó név vagy jelszó!"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)s profilja"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "A profil frissítve."
@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Szerkesztés"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1779,98 +1779,106 @@ msgstr "Keresési hiba!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Nincs találat! Próbálj másik kulcsszót."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Név"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Regisztrálás"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Biztosan?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
@ -2286,45 +2294,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Legyen olvasatlan"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Legyen olvasott"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Olvasva"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Ismertető:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Hozzáadás polchoz"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Metaadatok szerkesztése"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 15:09+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: ElQuimm <>\n"
"Language: it\n"
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ msgstr "Ricollegato con successo"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Comando sconosciuto"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ msgstr "Configurazione del server e-mail aggiornata"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Ulteriori opzioni"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Per favore compila tutti i campi!"
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ msgstr "Modifica l'utente %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "L'utente '%(nick)s' è stato aggiornato"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto: per favore riprova."
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ msgstr "Configurazione del server e-mail aggiornata"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "La password dell'utente %(user)s è stata resettata"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Configura dapprima le impostazioni del server SMTP..."
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ msgstr "non configurato"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Mancano i permessi di esecuzione"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "La colonna personale no.%(column)d non esiste nel database di Calibre"
@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ msgstr "Il formato del libro è stato eliminato con successo"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Il libro é stato eliminato con successo"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Errore durante l'apertura del libro selezionato. Il file non esiste o il file non è accessibile"
@ -512,76 +512,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s non è una lingua valida"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Non è consentito caricare file con l'estensione '%(ext)s' su questo server"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Il file da caricare deve avere un'estensione"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Impossibile creare la cartella %(path)s (autorizzazione negata)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Il salvataggio del file %(file)s non è riuscito."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Errore nel database: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Ho aggiunto il formato %(ext)s al libro %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Gli identificatori non tengono conto delle lettere maiuscole o minuscole, sovrascrivo l'identificatore precedente"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "I metadati sono stati aggiornati con successo"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Errore nella modifica del libro. Per favore verifica i dettagli nel file di registro (logfile)"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Probabilmente il libro caricato esiste già nella libreria; considera di cambiare prima di sottoporlo nuovamente: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Il file %(filename)s non può essere salvato nella cartella temporanea"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Impossibile spostare il file della copertina %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Il file %(file)s è stato caricato"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Mancano o il formato sorgente o quello di destinazione, entrambi necessari alla conversione"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Libro accodato con successo per essere convertito in %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante la conversione del libro: %(res)s"
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ msgstr "File %(file)s non trovato su Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Non ho trovato la cartella %(path)s del libro su Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Ho trovato un account creato in precedenza con questo indirizzo e-mail."
@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ msgstr "Configurazione di Kobo"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Registra con %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "ora sei connesso come: '%(nickname)s'"
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr "{} Stelle"
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Accesso"
@ -908,8 +908,8 @@ msgstr "Per scoprire"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Mostra libri casualmente"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorie"
@ -918,8 +918,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Mostra l'opzione per la selezione delle categorie"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Serie"
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ msgstr "Serie"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Mostra l'opzione per la selezione delle serie"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autori"
@ -936,8 +936,8 @@ msgstr "Autori"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Mostra l'opzione per la selezione degli autori"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Editori"
@ -945,9 +945,9 @@ msgstr "Editori"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Mostra l'opzione per la selezione degli editori"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Lingue"
@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ msgstr "Libri archiviati"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Mostra l'opzione per la selezione dei libri archiviati"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "Elenco libri"
@ -1164,129 +1164,129 @@ msgstr "Categoria: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Lingua: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Ricerca avanzata"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Cerca"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Downloads"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Elenco delle valutazioni"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Elenco dei formati"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Compito"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Pubblicato dopo il "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Pubblicato prima del "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Valutazione <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Valutazione >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr "Stato di lettura = %(status)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Libro accodato con successo per essere spedito a %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Oops! Si è verificato un errore durante l'invio di questo libro: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Per favore aggiorna il tuo profilo con un indirizzo e-mail Kindle a cui inviare i libri."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "Il server e-mail non è configurato, per favore contatta l'amministratore"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registra"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Il tuo e-mail non è autorizzato alla registrazione"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Un messaggio di conferma è stato inviato al tuo recapito e-mail."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "Non posso attivare l'autenticazione LDAP"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Fallback login come: '%(nickname)s', il server LDAP non è raggiungibile o l'utente è sconosciuto"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Non posso accedere: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Nome utente o password errati"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Una nuova password è stata inviata al tuo recapito e-mail"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Per favore digita un nome di utente valido per resettare la password"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Ora sei connesso come '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "Profilo di %(name)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Profilo aggiornato"
@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifica"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1777,98 +1777,106 @@ msgstr "Errore nella ricerca!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Nessun risultato! Prova con un altro criterio di ricerca."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "Questo campo è obbligatorio"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "Unisci i libri selezionati"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "Rimuovi le selezioni"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "Aggiorna automaticamente l'ordinamento dei titoli"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "Aggiorna automaticamente l'ordinamento degli autori"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Indica il titolo"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titolo"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "Indica l'ordinamento del titolo"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "Ordinamento del titolo"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "Indica l'ordinamento dell'autore"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "Ordinamento dell'autore"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "Indica gli autori"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "Indica le categorie"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "Indica le serie"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "Indice delle serie"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "Indica le lingue"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "Data di pubblicazione"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "Indica gli editori"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Identificatori"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Sei veramente sicuro?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "I libri con il titolo vengono uniti da:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "Nel libro con il titolo:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Unisci"
@ -2285,45 +2293,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Pubblicato"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Marca come non letto"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Marca come letto"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Letto"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Ripristina dall'archivio"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Aggiungi all'archivio"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Archiviato"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Descrizione:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Aggiungi allo scaffale"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Pubblico)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Modifica metadati"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-07 02:20-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: white <>\n"
"Language: ja\n"
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "不明"
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ msgstr "メールサーバの設定を更新しました"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "機能設定"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "全ての項目を入力してください"
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ msgstr "%(nick)s を編集"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "ユーザ '%(nick)s' を更新しました"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "不明なエラーが発生しました。あとで再試行してください。"
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ msgstr "メールサーバの設定を更新しました"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "%(user)s 用のパスワードをリセット"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "初めにSMTPメールの設定をしてください"
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr ""
@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr ""
@ -508,76 +508,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s は有効な言語ではありません"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "ファイル拡張子 '%(ext)s' をこのサーバにアップロードすることは許可されていません"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "アップロードするファイルには拡張子が必要です"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "%(path)s の作成に失敗しました (Permission denied)。"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "%(file)s を保存できません。"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "ファイル形式 %(ext)s が %(book)s に追加されました"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "メタデータを更新しました"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "本の編集でエラーが発生しました。詳細はログファイルを確認してください"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "変換元の形式または変換後の形式が指定されていません"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "本の %(book_format)s への変換がキューに追加されました"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "この本の変換中にエラーが発生しました: %(res)s"
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ msgstr "ファイル %(file)s はGoogleドライブ上にありません"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "本のパス %(path)s はGoogleドライブ上にありません"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "このメールアドレスで登録されたアカウントがあります"
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "%(nickname)s としてログイン中"
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "ログイン"
@ -905,8 +905,8 @@ msgstr "見つける"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "ランダムで本を表示"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "カテゴリ"
@ -915,8 +915,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "カテゴリ選択を表示"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "シリーズ"
@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ msgstr "シリーズ"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "シリーズ選択を表示"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "著者"
@ -933,8 +933,8 @@ msgstr "著者"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "著者選択を表示"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "出版社"
@ -942,9 +942,9 @@ msgstr "出版社"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "出版社選択を表示"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "言語"
@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr ""
@ -1161,129 +1161,129 @@ msgstr "カテゴリ: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "言語: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "詳細検索"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "検索"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "タスク"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "これ以降に出版 "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "これ以前に出版 "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "評価 <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "評価 >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "本の %(kindlemail)s への送信がキューに追加されました"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "%(res)s を送信中にエラーが発生しました"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "初めにKindleのメールアドレスを設定してください"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "登録"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "このメールアドレスは登録が許可されていません"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "確認メールがこのメールアドレスに送信されました。"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "ユーザ名またはパスワードが違います"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)s のプロフィール"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "プロフィールを更新しました"
@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "編集"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1774,98 +1774,106 @@ msgstr "検索エラー"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "検索結果が見つかりません。別のキーワードで検索してみてください。"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "タイトル"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "登録"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "よろしいですか?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
@ -2280,45 +2288,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "未読に設定"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "既読に設定"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "読んだ"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "詳細:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "本棚に追加"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-27 17:06+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: km_KH\n"
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "មិនដឹង"
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ msgstr "ទំនាក់ទំនងទៅមូលដ្ឋានទិន្
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "ការកំណត់មុខងារ"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "សូមបំពេញចន្លោះទាំងអស់!"
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgstr "កែប្រែអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ %(nick)s ត្រូវបានកែប្រែ"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "សូមកំណត់អ៊ីមែល SMTP ជាមុនសិន"
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr ""
@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr ""
@ -513,76 +513,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "ឯកសារប្រភេទ '%(ext)s' មិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតឲអាប់ឡូដទៅម៉ាស៊ីន server នេះទេ"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "ឯកសារដែលត្រូវអាប់ឡូដត្រូវមានកន្ទុយឯកសារ"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "មិនអាចបង្កើតទីតាំង %(path)s (ពុំមានសិទ្ធិ)។"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "មិនអាចរក្សាទុកឯកសារ %(file)s ។"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "ឯកសារទម្រង់ %(ext)s ត្រូវបានបន្ថែមទៅ %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "មានបញ្ហាពេលកែប្រែសៀវភៅ សូមពិនិត្យមើល logfile សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែម"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr ""
@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ msgstr "ឯកសារ %(file)s រកមិនឃើញក្នុង Google
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "ទីតាំងសៀវភៅ %(path)s រកមិនឃើញក្នុង Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr ""
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "ឥឡូវអ្នកបានចូលដោយមានឈ្មោះថា៖ %(nickname)s"
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "ចូលប្រើប្រាស់"
@ -909,8 +909,8 @@ msgstr "ស្រាវជ្រាវ"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "បង្ហាញសៀវភៅចៃដន្យ"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "ប្រភេទនានា"
@ -919,8 +919,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "បង្ហាញជម្រើសប្រភេទ"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "ស៊េរី"
@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ msgstr "ស៊េរី"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "បង្ហាញជម្រើសស៊េរី"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "អ្នកនិពន្ធ"
@ -937,8 +937,8 @@ msgstr "អ្នកនិពន្ធ"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "បង្ហាញជម្រើសអ្នកនិពន្ធ"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr ""
@ -946,9 +946,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "ភាសានានា"
@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr ""
@ -1165,129 +1165,129 @@ msgstr "ប្រភេទ៖ %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "ភាសា៖ %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "ស្វែងរកកម្រិតខ្ពស់"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "ស្វែងរក"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "ឯកសារ DLS"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "កិច្ចការនានា"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "បានបោះពុម្ភក្រោយ "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "បានបោះពុម្ភមុន "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "ការវាយតម្លៃ <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "ការវាយតម្លៃ >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "សៀវភៅបានចូលជួរសម្រាប់ផ្ញើទៅ %(kindlemail)s ដោយជោគជ័យ"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "មានបញ្ហានៅពេលផ្ញើសៀវភៅនេះ៖ %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "ចុះឈ្មោះ"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "ខុសឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ ឬលេខសម្ងាត់"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "ព័ត៌មានសង្ខេបរបស់ %(name)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "ព័ត៌មានសង្ខេបបានកែប្រែ"
@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "កែប្រែ"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1550,7 +1550,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "បាទ/ចាស"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1778,98 +1778,106 @@ msgstr "ការស្វែងរកមានកំហុស!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "ចំណងជើង"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "ចុះឈ្មោះ"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
@ -2285,45 +2293,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "អាន"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "ពិពណ៌នា"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "បន្ថែមទៅធ្នើ"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "កែប្រែទិន្នន័យមេតា"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web (GPLV3)\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-12 08:20+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Marcel Maas <>\n"
"Language: nl\n"
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ msgstr "Opnieuw verbinden gelukt"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Onbekende opdracht"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Onbekend"
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ msgstr "E-mailserver-instellingen bijgewerkt"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Databaseconfiguratie"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Vul alle velden in!"
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ msgstr "Gebruiker '%(nick)s' bewerken"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Gebruiker '%(nick)s' bijgewerkt"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Onbekende fout opgetreden. Probeer het later nog eens."
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ msgstr "E-mailserver-instellingen bijgewerkt"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Wachtwoord voor gebruiker %(user)s is hersteld"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Stel eerst SMTP-mail in..."
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ msgstr "niet geconfigureerd"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Kan programma niet uitvoeren"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "Aangepaste kolom Nr.%(column)d bestaat niet in de Calibre Database"
@ -497,8 +497,8 @@ msgstr "Het boekformaat is verwijderd"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Het boek is verwijderd"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Oeps! Geselecteerd boek is niet beschikbaar. Bestand bestaat niet of is niet toegankelijk"
@ -516,76 +516,76 @@ msgstr "%(seriesindex)s is geen geldig nummer, sla het over"
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s is geen geldige taal"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "De bestandsextensie '%(ext)s' is niet toegestaan op deze server"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Het te uploaden bestand moet voorzien zijn van een extensie"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Kan de locatie '%(path)s' niet aanmaken (niet gemachtigd)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Kan %(file)s niet opslaan."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Database fout: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Bestandsformaat %(ext)s toegevoegd aan %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Identificatoren zijn niet hoofdlettergevoelig, overschrijf huidige identificatoren"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "De metagegevens zijn bijgewerkt"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Kan het boek niet bewerken, controleer het logbestand"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Geüpload boek staat mogelijk al in de bibliotheek, controleer alvorens door te gaan: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Bestand %(filename)s kon niet opgeslagen worden in de tijdelijke map"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Omslag %(file)s niet verplaatst: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Bestand %(file)s geüpload"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Bron- of doelformaat ontbreekt voor conversie"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Het boek is in de wachtrij geplaatst voor conversie naar %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het converteren van dit boek: %(res)s"
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ msgstr "Bestand '%(file)s' niet aangetroffen op Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Boeken locatie '%(path)s' niet aangetroffen op Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Bestaand account met dit e-mailadres aangetroffen."
@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ msgstr "Kobo Instellen"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Aanmelden bij %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "je bent ingelogd als: '%(nickname)s'"
@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr "{} sterren"
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Inloggen"
@ -913,8 +913,8 @@ msgstr "Willekeurige boeken"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Willekeurige boeken tonen"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorieën"
@ -923,8 +923,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Categoriekeuze tonen"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Boekenreeksen"
@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ msgstr "Boekenreeksen"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Boekenreeksenkeuze tonen"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Auteurs"
@ -941,8 +941,8 @@ msgstr "Auteurs"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Auteurkeuze tonen"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Uitgevers"
@ -950,9 +950,9 @@ msgstr "Uitgevers"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Uitgeverskeuze tonen"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Talen"
@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ msgstr "Gearchiveerde boeken"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Gearchiveerde boeken tonen"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "Boekenlijst"
@ -1169,129 +1169,129 @@ msgstr "Categorie: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Taal: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Geavanceerd zoeken"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Zoeken"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Downloads"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Beoordelingen"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Alle bestandsformaten"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Taken"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Gepubliceerd na "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Gepubliceerd vóór "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Beoordeling <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Beoordeling >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr "Lees Status = %(status)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr "Fout tijdens het zoeken van aangepaste kolommen, start Calibre-Web opnieuw op"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Het boek is in de wachtrij geplaatst om te worden verstuurd aan %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Fout opgetreden bij het versturen van dit boek: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Stel je kindle-e-mailadres in..."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "E-mailserver is niet geconfigureerd, neem contact op met de beheerder!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registreren"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Dit e-mailadres mag niet worden gebruikt voor registratie"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Er is een bevestigings-e-mail verstuurd naar je e-mailadres."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "Kan de LDAP authenticatie niet activeren"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Terugvallen op login: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server is onbereikbaar, of de gebruiker is onbekend"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Inloggen mislukt: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Verkeerde gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Een nieuw wachtwoord is verzonden naar je e-mailadres"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Geef een geldige gebruikersnaam op om je wachtwoord te herstellen"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Je bent ingelogd als: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)ss profiel"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Profiel bijgewerkt"
@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bewerken"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "Oké"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1782,98 +1782,106 @@ msgstr "Zoekfout!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Geen resultaten gevonden! Gebruik een ander trefwoord."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "Dit veld is verplicht"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "Geselecteerde boeken samenvoegen"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "Geselecteerde boeken verwijderen"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr "Auteur en titel omwisselen"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "Automatisch sorteren op titel"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "Automatisch sorteren op auteur"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Geef titel"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "Voer Titel sorteervolgorde in"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "Titel sorteren"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "Voer Auteur sorteervolgorde in"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "Auteur sorteren"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "Voer Auteurs in"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "Voer categorieën in"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "Voer serie in"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "Serie index"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "Voer talen in"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "Voer publicatiedatum in"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "Voer uitgevers in"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Identificatoren"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Weet je het zeker?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "Boeken met de titel zullen worden samengevoegd van:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "In boek met titel:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Samenvoegen"
@ -2290,45 +2298,45 @@ msgstr "Boek %(index)s van %(range)s"
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Gepubliceerd"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Markeren als ongelezen"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Markeren als gelezen"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Gelezen"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Terughalen uit archief"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Toevoegen aan archief"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Gearchiveerd"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Beschrijving:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Toevoegen aan boekenplank"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Openbaar)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Metagegevens bewerken"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre Web - polski (POT: 2021-06-12 08:52)\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-12 15:35+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Radosław Kierznowski <>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Nieznane polecenie"
# ???
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Nieznany"
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "Zaktualizowano ustawienia serwera poczty e-mail"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguracja bazy danych"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Proszę wypełnić wszystkie pola!"
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgstr "Edytuj użytkownika %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Użytkownik '%(nick)s' został zaktualizowany"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Wystąpił nieznany błąd. Spróbuj ponownie później."
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ msgstr "Zaktualizowano ustawienia serwera poczty e-mail"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Zrestartowano hasło użytkownika %(user)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Proszę najpierw skonfigurować ustawienia SMTP poczty e-mail..."
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ msgstr "nie skonfigurowane"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Brak uprawnienia do wykonywania pliku"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "Niestandardowa kolumna No.%(column)d nie istnieje w bazie calibre"
@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ msgstr "Plik książki w wybranym formacie został usunięty"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Książka została usunięta"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Błąd otwierania e-booka. Plik nie istnieje lub jest niedostępny"
@ -517,76 +517,76 @@ msgstr "%(seriesindex)s nie jest poprawną liczbą, pomijanie"
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s nie jest prawidłowym językiem"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Rozszerzenie pliku '%(ext)s' nie jest dozwolone do wysłania na ten serwer"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Plik do wysłania musi mieć rozszerzenie"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Nie udało się utworzyć łącza %(path)s (Odmowa dostępu)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Nie można zapisać pliku %(file)s."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Błąd bazy danych: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Format pliku %(ext)s dodany do %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "W identyfikatorach nie jest rozróżniana wielkość liter, nadpisywanie starego identyfikatora"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadane zostały pomyślnie zaktualizowane"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Błąd podczas edycji książki, sprawdź plik dziennika, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Wysłana książka prawdopodobnie istnieje w bibliotece, rozważ zmianę przed przesłaniem nowej: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Nie można zapisać pliku %(filename)s w katalogu tymczasowym"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Nie udało się przenieść pliku okładki %(file)s:%(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Wysłano plik %(file)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Brak formatu źródłowego lub docelowego do konwersji"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Książka została pomyślnie umieszczona w zadaniach do konwersji %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Podczas konwersji książki wystąpił błąd: %(res)s"
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ msgstr "Nie znaleziono pliku %(file)s na Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono ścieżki do książki %(path)s na Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Znaleziono istniejące konto dla tego adresu e-mail"
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ msgstr "Konfiguracja Kobo"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Zarejestruj się %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "zalogowałeś się jako: '%(nickname)s'"
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr "{} Gwiazdek"
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Zaloguj się"
@ -916,8 +916,8 @@ msgstr "Odkrywaj"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Pokazuj losowe książki"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorie"
@ -926,8 +926,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Pokaż menu wyboru kategorii"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Cykle"
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ msgstr "Cykle"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Pokaż menu wyboru cyklu"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autorzy"
@ -944,8 +944,8 @@ msgstr "Autorzy"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Pokaż menu wyboru autora"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Wydawcy"
@ -953,9 +953,9 @@ msgstr "Wydawcy"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Pokaż menu wyboru wydawcy"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Języki"
@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ msgstr "Zarchiwizowane książki"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Pokaż zarchiwizowane książki"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "Lista książek"
@ -1172,130 +1172,130 @@ msgstr "Kategoria: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Język: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Wyszukiwanie"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Szukaj"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "DLS"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Lista z ocenami"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Lista formatów"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Zadania"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Opublikowane po "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Opublikowane przed "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Ocena <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Ocena >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr "Status przeczytania = %(status)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr "Błąd podczas wyszukiwania kolumn niestandardowych, proszę zrestartować Calibre-Web"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Książka została umieszczona w kolejce do wysłania do %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas wysyłania tej książki: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Najpierw skonfiguruj adres e-mail Kindle..."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "Serwer e-mail nie jest skonfigurowany, skontaktuj się z administratorem!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Zarejestruj się"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Twój e-mail nie może się zarejestrować"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Wiadomość e-mail z potwierdzeniem została wysłana na Twoje konto e-mail."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "Nie można aktywować uwierzytelniania LDAP"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Nie można zalogować: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Błędna nazwa użytkownika lub hasło"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Nowe hasło zostało wysłane na Twój adres e-mail"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Wprowadź prawidłową nazwę użytkownika, aby zresetować hasło"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Jesteś teraz zalogowany jako: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "Profil użytkownika %(name)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Zaktualizowano profil"
@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ msgstr "Edycja"
# ???
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1560,7 +1560,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1789,102 +1789,110 @@ msgstr "Błąd wyszukiwania!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Nie znaleziono! Spróbuj użyć innego słowa kluczowego."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "To pole jest wymagane"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "Łączenie wybranych książek"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczone"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr "Zamień autora i tytuł"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "Aktualizuj tytuł Sortuj automatycznie"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "Automatyczna aktualizacja sortowania autorów"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Wpisz tytuł"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tytuł"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "Wprowadź tytuł sortowania"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "Tytuł sortowania"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "Wpisz autora sortowania"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "Autor sortowania"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "Wpisz autorów"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "Wprowadź kategorie"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "Wpisz serię"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "Indeks serii"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "Wprowadź języki"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "Data publikacji"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "Wpisz Wydawnictwa"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Identyfikatory"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Czy jesteś pewny?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "Książki z tytułem będą łączone z:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
#, fuzzy
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "Into Book with Title:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Połącz"
@ -2302,45 +2310,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Data publikacji"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Oznacz jako nieprzeczytane"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Oznacz jako przeczytane"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Przeczytana"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Przywróć z archiwum"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Dodaj do archiwum"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Zarchiwizowane"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Opis:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Dodaj do półki"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(publiczna)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Edytuj metadane"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language: br\n"
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ msgstr "Reconexão bem-sucedida"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Comando desconhecido"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconhecido"
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr "Atualização das configurações do servidor de e-mail"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Configuração das Características"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Por favor, preencha todos os campos!"
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ msgstr "Editar usuário %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Usuário '%(nick)s' atualizado"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ msgstr "Atualização das configurações do servidor de e-mail"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Senha para redefinição do usuário %(user)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Por favor, configure primeiro as configurações de correio SMTP..."
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ msgstr "não configurado"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Faltam as permissões de execução"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "A coluna personalizada No.%(column)d não existe no banco de dados do calibre"
@ -495,8 +495,8 @@ msgstr "Formato do Livro Eliminado com Sucesso"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Livro Eliminado com Sucesso"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Oops! O título do livro seleccionado não está disponível. O arquivo não existe ou não é acessível"
@ -514,76 +514,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s não é um idioma válido"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "A extensão de arquivo '%(ext)s' não pode ser enviada para este servidor"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "O arquivo a ser carregado deve ter uma extensão"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Falha ao criar o caminho %(path)s (Permission denied)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Falha ao armazenar o arquivo %(file)s."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Erro de banco de dados: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Formato de arquivo %(ext)s adicionado a %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Os identificadores não são sensíveis a maiúsculas ou minúsculas, mas sim a maiúsculas e minúsculas"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadados atualizados com sucesso"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Livro de edição de erros, por favor verifique o ficheiro de registo para mais detalhes"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "O livro carregado provavelmente existe na biblioteca, considere mudar antes de carregar novo: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "O arquivo %(filename)s não pôde ser salvo no diretório temporário"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Falha ao mover arquivo de capa %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Arquivo %(file)s enviado"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Falta o formato de origem ou destino para a conversão"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Livro enfileirado com sucesso para conversão em %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao converter este livro: %(res)s"
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ msgstr "Arquivo %(file)s não encontrado no Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Caminho do livro %(path)s não encontrado no Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Encontrado uma conta existente para este endereço de e-mail."
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ msgstr "Configuração Kobo"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Registre-se com %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "agora você está logado como: '%(nickname)s'"
@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"
@ -911,8 +911,8 @@ msgstr "Descubra"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Mostrar Livros Aleatórios"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorias"
@ -921,8 +921,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Mostrar seleção de categoria"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Série"
@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ msgstr "Série"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Mostrar selecção de séries"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autores"
@ -939,8 +939,8 @@ msgstr "Autores"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Mostrar selecção de autor"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Editores"
@ -948,9 +948,9 @@ msgstr "Editores"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Mostrar selecção de editores"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Idiomas"
@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ msgstr "Livros Arquivados"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Mostrar livros arquivados"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "Lista de Livros"
@ -1167,129 +1167,129 @@ msgstr "Categoria: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Idioma: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Pesquisa Avançada"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Pesquisa"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Downloads"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Lista de classificações"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Lista de formatos de arquivo"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Tarefas"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Publicado depois de "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Publicado antes de "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Avaliação <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Avaliação >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr "Status de leitura = %(status)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Livro enfileirado com sucesso para envio para %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Ups! Ocorreu um erro ao enviar este livro: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Por favor, atualize seu perfil com um endereço de e-mail válido para Kindle."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "O servidor de E-Mail não está configurado, por favor contacte o seu administrador!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registe-se"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Seu e-mail não tem permissão para registrar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "O e-mail de confirmação foi enviado para a sua conta de e-mail."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "Não é possível ativar a autenticação LDAP"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Login de reserva como:'%(nickname)s', servidor LDAP não acessível ou usuário desconhecido"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Não foi possível fazer o login: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Nome de usuário ou senha incorretos"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Nova senha foi enviada para seu endereço de e-mail"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Por favor, digite um nome de usuário válido para redefinir a senha"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Você agora está logado como: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "Perfil de %(name)s's"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Perfil atualizado"
@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1780,98 +1780,106 @@ msgstr "Erro de busca!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Nenhum resultado(s) encontrado(s)! Por favor, tente outra palavra-chave."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "Este campo é obrigatório"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "Fundir livros selecionados"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "Remover Seleções"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "Atualizar a Classificação de Título automaticamente"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "Atualizar a Classificação do Autor automaticamente"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Digite o título"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "Digite o título Sort"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "Título Ordenar"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "Digite Author Sort"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "Ordenar Autor"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "Entrar Autores"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "Entrar nas categorias"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "Entrar na série"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "Índice da série"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "Entrar idiomas"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "Data de publicação"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "Entrar Editores"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Identificadores"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Tens mesmo a certeza?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "Os livros com título serão fundidos a partir de:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "Into Book with Title:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Fundir"
@ -2288,45 +2296,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Publicado em"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Marcar como não lido"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Marcar como lido"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Lido"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Restaurar do arquivo"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Adicionar ao arquivo"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Arquivado em"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Descrição:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Adicionar à estante"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Público)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Editar Metadados"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-29 01:20+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: ZIZA\n"
"Language: ru\n"
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ msgstr "Успешно переподключено"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Неизвестная команда"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Неизвестно"
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ msgstr "Настройки E-mail сервера обновлены"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Дополнительный Настройки"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Пожалуйста, заполните все поля!"
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ msgstr "Изменить пользователя %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Пользователь '%(nick)s' обновлён"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Неизвестная ошибка. Попробуйте позже."
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ msgstr "Настройки E-mail сервера обновлены"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Пароль для пользователя %(user)s сброшен"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Пожалуйста, сперва настройте параметры SMTP....."
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ msgstr "не настроено"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr ""
@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Невозможно открыть книгу. Файл не существует или недоступен"
@ -517,76 +517,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s не допустимый язык"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Запрещена загрузка файлов с расширением '%(ext)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Загружаемый файл должен иметь расширение"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Ошибка при создании пути %(path)s (Доступ запрещён)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Не удалось сохранить файл %(file)s."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Формат файла %(ext)s добавлен в %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Метаданные обновлены"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Ошибка редактирования книги. Пожалуйста, проверьте лог-файл для дополнительной информации"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Загруженная книга, вероятно, существует в библиотеке, перед тем как загрузить новую, рассмотрите возможность изменения: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Файл %(filename)s не удалось сохранить во временную папку"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Файл %(file)s загружен"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Исходный или целевой формат для конвертирования отсутствует"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Книга успешно поставлена в очередь для конвертирования в %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Произошла ошибка при конвертирования этой книги: %(res)s"
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ msgstr "Файл %(file)s не найден на Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Путь книги %(path)s не найден на Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Этот адрес электронной почты уже зарегистрирован."
@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ msgstr "Настройка Kobo"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Зарегистрируйтесь с %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "вы вошли как пользователь '%(nickname)s'"
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Логин"
@ -914,8 +914,8 @@ msgstr "Обзор"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Показывать Случайные Книги"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Категории"
@ -924,8 +924,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Показывать выбор категории"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Серии"
@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ msgstr "Серии"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Показывать выбор серии"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Авторы"
@ -942,8 +942,8 @@ msgstr "Авторы"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Показывать выбор автора"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Издатели"
@ -951,9 +951,9 @@ msgstr "Издатели"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Показать выбор издателя"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Языки"
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr ""
@ -1170,129 +1170,129 @@ msgstr "Категория: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Язык: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Расширенный поиск"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Поиск"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Скачать"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Список рейтингов"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Список форматов файлов"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Задания"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Опубликовано после "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Опубликовано до "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Рейтинг <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Рейтинг >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Книга успешно поставлена в очередь для отправки на %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "При отправке этой книги произошла ошибка: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Пожалуйста, сначала настройте e-mail на вашем kindle..."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "Сервер электронной почты не настроен, обратитесь к администратору !"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Зарегистрироваться"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Ваш e-mail не подходит для регистрации"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Письмо с подтверждением отправлено вам на e-mail."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "Не удается активировать LDAP аутентификацию"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "Резервный вход в систему как: '%(nickname)s', LDAP-сервер недоступен или пользователь не известен"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Не удалось войти: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Ошибка в имени пользователя или пароле"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Новый пароль был отправлен на ваш адрес электронной почты"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите действительное имя пользователя для сброса пароля"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Вы вошли как: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "Профиль %(name)s's"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Профиль обновлён"
@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Редактировать"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1783,98 +1783,106 @@ msgstr "Ошибка поиска!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Результат(ы) не найдены! Попробуйте другое ключевое слово."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Заголовок"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Зарегистрироваться"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Вы действительно уверены?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
@ -2291,45 +2299,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Опубликованный"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Отметить как непрочитанное"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Отметить как прочитанное"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Прочесть"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Описание:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Добавить на книжную полку"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Публичная)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Редактировать метаданные"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-13 11:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jonatan Nyberg <>\n"
"Language: sv\n"
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ msgstr "Återanslutning lyckades"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Okänt kommando"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Okänd"
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr "E-postserverinställningar uppdaterade"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Funktion konfiguration"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Fyll i alla fält!"
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ msgstr "Redigera användaren %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Användaren '%(nick)s' uppdaterad"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Ett okänt fel uppstod. Försök igen senare."
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ msgstr "E-postserverinställningar uppdaterade"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "Lösenord för användaren %(user)s återställd"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Konfigurera SMTP-postinställningarna först..."
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ msgstr "inte konfigurerad"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "Körningstillstånd saknas"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "Anpassad kolumn n.%(column)d finns inte i calibre-databasen"
@ -495,8 +495,8 @@ msgstr "Bokformat har tagits bort"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Boken har tagits bort"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Hoppsan! Vald boktitel är inte tillgänglig. Filen finns inte eller är inte tillgänglig"
@ -514,76 +514,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s är inte ett giltigt språk"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Filändelsen '%(ext)s' får inte laddas upp till den här servern"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Filen som ska laddas upp måste ha en ändelse"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa sökväg %(path)s (behörighet nekad)."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Det gick inte att lagra filen %(file)s."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "Databasfel: %(error)s."
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Filformatet %(ext)s lades till %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Identifierare är inte skiftlägeskänsliga, skriver över gammal identifierare"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadata uppdaterades"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Det gick inte att redigera boken, kontrollera loggfilen för mer information"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Uppladdad bok finns förmodligen i biblioteket, överväg att ändra innan du laddar upp nya: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Filen %(filename)s kunde inte sparas i temp dir"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Det gick inte att flytta omslagsfil %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "Filen %(file)s uppladdad"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Källa eller målformat för konvertering saknas"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "Boken är i kö för konvertering till %(book_format)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Det gick inte att konvertera den här boken: %(res)s"
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ msgstr "Filen %(file)s hittades inte på Google Drive"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Boksökvägen %(path)s hittades inte på Google Drive"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Hittade ett befintligt konto för den här e-postadressen"
@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ msgstr "Kobo-installation"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "Registrera dig med %(provider)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "du är nu inloggad som: \"%(nickname)s\""
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr "{} stjärnor"
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Logga in"
@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ msgstr "Upptäck"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Visa slumpmässiga böcker"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorier"
@ -920,8 +920,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Visa kategorival"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Serier"
@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ msgstr "Serier"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Visa serieval"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Författare"
@ -938,8 +938,8 @@ msgstr "Författare"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Visa författarval"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Förlag"
@ -947,9 +947,9 @@ msgstr "Förlag"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Visa urval av förlag"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Språk"
@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ msgstr "Arkiverade böcker"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "Visa arkiverade böcker"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "Boklista"
@ -1166,129 +1166,129 @@ msgstr "Kategori: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Språk: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Avancerad sökning"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Sök"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Hämtningar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Betygslista"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Lista över filformat"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Uppgifter"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Publicerad efter "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Publicerad före "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Betyg <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Betyg >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr "Lässtatus = %(status)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "Boken är i kö för att skicka till %(kindlemail)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Det gick inte att skicka den här boken: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "Konfigurera din kindle-e-postadress först..."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "E-postservern är inte konfigurerad, kontakta din administratör!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrera"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "Din e-post är inte tillåten att registrera"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Bekräftelsemail skickades till ditt e-postkonto."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "Det går inte att aktivera LDAP-autentisering"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "Det gick inte att logga in: %(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Fel användarnamn eller lösenord"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Nytt lösenord skickades till din e-postadress"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Ange giltigt användarnamn för att återställa lösenordet"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Du är nu inloggad som: \"%(nickname)s\""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)ss profil"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Profilen uppdaterad"
@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redigera"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1779,98 +1779,106 @@ msgstr "Sökningsfel!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "Inga resultat hittades! Försök med ett annat sökord."
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "Detta fält är obligatoriskt"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "Slå ihop utvalda böcker"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "Ta bort markeringar"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "Uppdatera titelsortering automatiskt"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "Uppdatera författarsortering automatiskt"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Ange titel"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "Ange titelsortering"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "Titelsortering"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "Ange författarsortering"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "Författarsortering"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "Ange författare"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "Ange kategorier"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "Ange serier"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "Serieindex"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "Ange språk"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "Publiceringsdatum"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "Ange utgivare"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Identifierare"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Är du verkligen säker?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "Böcker med titel slås samman från:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "I bok med titel:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Slå samman"
@ -2287,45 +2295,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Publicerad"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Markera som oläst"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Markera som läst"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Läst"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "Återställ från arkivet"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "Lägg till i arkivet"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Arkiverad"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Beskrivning:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Lägg till hyllan"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(Publik)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Redigera metadata"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-23 22:47+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: iz <>\n"
"Language: tr\n"
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen"
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ msgstr "E-posta sunucusu ayarları güncellendi"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Özellik Yapılandırması"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Lütfen tüm alanları doldurun!"
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ msgstr "%(nick)s kullanıcısını düzenle"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "'%(nick)s' kullanıcısı güncellendi"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz."
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ msgstr "E-posta sunucusu ayarları güncellendi"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "%(user)s kullanıcısının şifresi sıfırlandı"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Lütfen önce SMTP e-posta ayarlarını ayarlayın..."
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ msgstr "ayarlanmadı"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr ""
@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr ""
@ -510,76 +510,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s geçerli bir dil değil"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "'%(ext)s' uzantılı dosyaların bu sunucuya yüklenmesine izin verilmiyor"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Yüklenecek dosyanın mutlaka bir uzantısı olması gerekli"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "%(path)s dizini oluşturulamadı. (İzin reddedildi)"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "%(file)s dosyası kaydedilemedi."
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "%(book)s kitabına %(ext)s dosya biçimi eklendi"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metaveri başarıyla güncellendi"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "eKitap düzenlenirken hata oluştu, detaylar için lütfen log dosyasını kontrol edin"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Yüklenen eKitap muhtemelen kitaplıkta zaten var. Yenisini yüklemeden değiştirmeyi düşünün: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "%(filename)s dosyası geçici dizine kaydedilemedi"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "%(file)s dosyası yüklendi"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "Dönüştürme için kaynak ya da hedef biçimi eksik"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "eKitap %(book_format)s formatlarına dönüştürülmek üzere başarıyla sıraya alındı"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Bu eKitabı dönüştürürken bir hata oluştu: %(res)s"
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ msgstr "%(file)s dosyası Google Drive'da bulunamadı"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "eKitap yolu %(path)s Google Drive'da bulunamadı"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "Bu e-posta adresi için bir hesap mevcut."
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "%(provider)s ile Kaydol"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "giriş yaptınız: '%(nickname)s'"
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Giriş"
@ -907,8 +907,8 @@ msgstr "Keşfet"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Rastgele Kitap Göster"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategoriler"
@ -917,8 +917,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Kategori seçimini göster"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Seriler"
@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ msgstr "Seriler"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Seri seçimini göster"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Yazarlar"
@ -935,8 +935,8 @@ msgstr "Yazarlar"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Yazar seçimini göster"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "Yayıncılar"
@ -944,9 +944,9 @@ msgstr "Yayıncılar"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "Yayıncı seçimini göster"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Diller"
@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr ""
@ -1163,129 +1163,129 @@ msgstr "Kategori: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Dil: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Gelişmiş Arama"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Ara"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "Değerlendirme listesi"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "Biçim listesi"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Görevler"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "Yayınlanma (sonra)"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Yayınlanma (önce)"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Değerlendirme <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "Değerlendirme >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "%(kindlemail)s'a gönderilmek üzere başarıyla sıraya alındı"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "E-Posta sunucusu ayarlanmadı, lütfen yöneticinizle iletişime geçin!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Kayıt ol"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "E-posta adresinizle kaydolunmasına izin verilmiyor"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "Onay e-Postası hesabınıza gönderildi."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "LDAP Kimlik Doğrulaması etkinleştirilemiyor"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Yanlış Kullanıcı adı ya da Şifre"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "Yeni şifre e-Posta adresinize gönderildi"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "Şifrenizi sıfırlayabilmek için lütfen geçerli bir kullanıcı adı giriniz"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Giriş yaptınız: '%(nickname)s'"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)s Profili"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Profil güncellendi"
@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Düzenleme"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1776,98 +1776,106 @@ msgstr "Arama hatası!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Başlık"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Kayıt ol"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "Emin misiniz?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
@ -2282,45 +2290,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "Okunmadı olarak işaretle"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "Okundu olarak işaretle"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Okudum"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Açıklama:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Kitaplığa ekle"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-30 00:47+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: ABIS Team <>\n"
"Language: uk\n"
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Невідомий"
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr "З'єднання з базою даних закрите"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "Особливі налаштування"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "Будь-ласка, заповніть всі поля!"
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ msgstr "Змінити користувача %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "Користувача '%(nick)s' оновлено"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "Будь-ласка, спочатку сконфігуруйте параметри SMTP"
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr ""
@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Неможливо відкрити книгу. Файл не існує або немає доступу."
@ -511,76 +511,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Завантажувальний файл повинен мати розширення"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "Сталась помилка при редагуванні книги. Будь-ласка, перевірте лог-файл для деталей"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr ""
@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr ""
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "Ви увійшли як користувач: '%(nickname)s'"
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Ім'я користувача"
@ -907,8 +907,8 @@ msgstr "Огляд"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "Показувати випадкові книги"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Категорії"
@ -917,8 +917,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "Показувати вибір категорії"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Серії"
@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ msgstr "Серії"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "Показувати вибір серії"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Автори"
@ -935,8 +935,8 @@ msgstr "Автори"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "Показувати вибір автора"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr ""
@ -944,9 +944,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Мови"
@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr ""
@ -1163,129 +1163,129 @@ msgstr "Категорія: %(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "Мова: %(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Розширений пошук"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Пошук"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "DLS"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "Опубліковано до"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Помилка при відправці книги: %(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Зареєструватись"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "Помилка в імені користувача або паролі"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "Профіль %(name)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "Профіль оновлено"
@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Редагувати"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1776,98 +1776,106 @@ msgstr "Помилка пошуку!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Заголовок"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "Зареєструватись"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
@ -2283,45 +2291,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Прочитано"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Опис:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "Додати на книжкову полицю"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "Редагувати метадані"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: xlivevil <>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ msgstr "重新连接成功"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "未知命令"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "未知"
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ msgstr "邮件服务器设置已更新"
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr "数据库配置"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr "请填写所有字段!"
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ msgstr "编辑用户 %(nick)s"
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr "用户“%(nick)s”已更新"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "发生一个未知错误,请稍后再试。"
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ msgstr "邮件服务器设置已更新"
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr "用户 %(user)s 的密码已重置"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr "请先配置SMTP邮箱设置..."
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ msgstr "未配置"
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr "缺少执行权限"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr "自定义列号:%(column)d在Calibre数据库中不存在"
@ -488,8 +488,8 @@ msgstr "书籍格式已成功删除"
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "书籍已成功删除"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "糟糕!选择书名无法打开。文件不存在或者文件不可访问"
@ -507,76 +507,76 @@ msgstr "%(seriesindex)s 不是一个有效的数值,忽略"
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s 不是一种有效语言"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "不能上传文件扩展名为“%(ext)s”的文件到此服务器"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "要上传的文件必须具有扩展名"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "创建路径 %(path)s 失败(权限拒绝)。"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "保存文件 %(file)s 失败。"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr "数据库错误:%(error)s。"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "已添加 %(ext)s 格式到 %(book)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "标识符不区分大小写,覆盖旧标识符"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "已成功更新元数据"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr "编辑书籍出错,请检查日志文件以获取详细信息"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "上传的书籍可能已经存在,建议修改后重新上传: "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "文件 %(filename)s 无法保存到临时目录"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "移动封面文件失败 %(file)s%(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr "文件 %(file)s 已上传"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr "转换的源或目的格式缺失"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr "书籍已经被成功加入到 %(book_format)s 格式转换队列"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "转换此书籍时出现错误: %(res)s"
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ msgstr "Google Drive上找不到文件 %(file)s"
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Google Drive上找不到书籍路径 %(path)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr "使用此邮箱的账号已经存在。"
@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ msgstr "Kobo 设置"
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr "使用 %(provider)s 注册"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "您现在已以“%(nickname)s”身份登录"
@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr "{} 星"
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr "登录"
@ -903,8 +903,8 @@ msgstr "发现"
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr "显示随机书籍"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "分类"
@ -913,8 +913,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr "显示分类选择"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr "丛书"
@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ msgstr "丛书"
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr "显示丛书选择"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "作者"
@ -931,8 +931,8 @@ msgstr "作者"
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr "显示作者选择"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr "出版社"
@ -940,9 +940,9 @@ msgstr "出版社"
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr "显示出版社选择"
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "语言"
@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ msgstr "归档书籍"
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr "显示归档书籍"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr "书籍列表"
@ -1157,129 +1157,129 @@ msgstr "分类:%(name)s"
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr "语言:%(name)s"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "高级搜索"
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "搜索"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "下载次数"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr "评分列表"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr "文件格式列表"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "任务列表"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr "出版时间晚于 "
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr "出版时间早于 "
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr "评分 <= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr "评分 >= %(rating)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr "阅读状态 = %(status)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr "搜索自定义列时出错,请重启 Calibre-Web"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr "书籍已经成功加入 %(kindlemail)s 的发送队列"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "糟糕!发送这本书籍的时候出现错误:%(res)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr "请先配置您的kindle邮箱。"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "邮件服务未配置,请联系网站管理员!"
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr "注册"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr "您的电子邮件不允许注册"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr "确认邮件已经发送到您的邮箱。"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr "无法激活LDAP认证"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr "后备登录“%(nickname)s”无法访问LDAP服务器或用户未知"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr "无法登录:%(message)s"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr "用户名或密码错误"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr "新密码已发送到您的邮箱"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr "请输入有效的用户名进行密码重置"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr "您现在已以“%(nickname)s”登录"
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr "%(name)s 的用户配置"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr "资料已更新"
@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr "编辑书籍"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr "确定"
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1769,98 +1769,106 @@ msgstr "搜索错误!"
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr "无搜索结果!请尝试另一个关键字。"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr "此栏必须填写"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr "合并选中的书籍"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr "删除所选项"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr "交换作者和标题"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr "自动更新书名排序"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr "自动更新作者排序"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "输入书名"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr "标题"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr "输入书名排序"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr "书名排序"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr "输入作者排序"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr "作者排序"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr "输入作者"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr "输入分类"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr "输入丛书"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr "丛书编号"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr "输入语言"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr "出版日期"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr "输入出版社"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter "
msgstr "书号"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr "您真的确认?"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr "这本书籍将被合并:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr "合并到这本书籍:"
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "合并"
@ -2276,45 +2284,45 @@ msgstr "%(range)s 第%(index)s册"
msgid "Published"
msgstr "出版日期"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr "标为未读"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr "标为已读"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr "已读"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr "从档案还原"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr "添加到归档"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "归档"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "简介:"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr "添加到书架"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "(公共)"
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr "编辑元数据"

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-16 11:41+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-17 14:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr ""
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Database Configuration"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please fill out all fields!"
msgstr ""
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Password for user %(user)s reset"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..."
msgstr ""
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execution permissions missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d is not existing in calibre database"
msgstr ""
@ -485,8 +485,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Oops! Selected book title is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr ""
@ -504,76 +504,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%(langname)s is not a valid language"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: %(error)s."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error editing book, please check logfile for details"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s uploaded"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr ""
@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Found an existing account for this e-mail address"
msgstr ""
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Register with %(provider)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr ""
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ msgid "{} Stars"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/layout.html:86
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
#: cps/templates/login.html:4 cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/
msgid "Login"
msgstr ""
@ -900,8 +900,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show Random Books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:67
#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 cps/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""
@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ msgid "Show category selection"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_edit.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:90
#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/ cps/
msgid "Series"
msgstr ""
@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show series selection"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:66
#: cps/templates/index.xml:69
msgid "Authors"
msgstr ""
@ -928,8 +928,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show author selection"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:72
#: cps/templates/index.xml:76 cps/
msgid "Publishers"
msgstr ""
@ -937,9 +937,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show publisher selection"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/ cps/templates/book_table.html:70
#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/templates/search_form.html:107
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Languages"
msgstr ""
@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show archived books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Books List"
msgstr ""
@ -1154,129 +1154,129 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Language: %(name)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:56 cps/ cps/
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 cps/templates/feed.xml:33
#: cps/templates/index.xml:11 cps/templates/layout.html:45
#: cps/templates/layout.html:48 cps/templates/search_form.html:226
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Ratings list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "File formats list"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:75 cps/templates/tasks.html:7 cps/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published after "
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Published before "
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Read Status = %(status)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book successfully queued for sending to %(kindlemail)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Oops! There was an error sending this book: %(res)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please update your profile with a valid Send to Kindle E-mail Address."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "E-Mail server is not configured, please contact your administrator!"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
#: cps/templates/layout.html:87 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Register"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Your e-mail is not allowed to register"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Confirmation e-mail was send to your e-mail account."
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not login: %(message)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
msgid "Wrong Username or Password"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "New Password was send to your email address"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s's profile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Profile updated"
msgstr ""
@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 cps/templates/book_edit.html:16
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:93 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149
msgid "Delete"
@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@ msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 cps/templates/admin.html:225
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:90
#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 cps/templates/book_table.html:120
#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:355
#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:169 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64
#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117
@ -1765,98 +1765,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword."
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100
msgid "This Field is Required"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:26
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37
msgid "Merge selected books"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:27 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124
msgid "Remove Selections"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:30
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41
msgid "Exchange author and title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:36
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47
msgid "Update Title Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:40
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51
msgid "Update Author Sort automatically"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:52 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24
#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Enter Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:53
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64
msgid "Title Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Enter Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:54
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65
msgid "Author Sort"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:55
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66
msgid "Enter Authors"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:56
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67
msgid "Enter Categories"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:57
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68
msgid "Enter Series"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:58
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69
msgid "Series Index"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:59
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70
msgid "Enter Languages"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:60
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71
msgid "Publishing Date"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:61
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72
msgid "Enter Publishers"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:76 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 cps/templates/book_table.html:77
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:79 cps/templates/book_table.html:81
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:87
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
msgid "Enter "
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:106 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46
msgid "Are you really sure?"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:110
msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:114
msgid "Into Book with Title:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:89
#: cps/templates/book_table.html:119
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
@ -2270,45 +2277,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Published"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Unread"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:219
#: cps/templates/detail.html:221
msgid "Mark As Read"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:220
#: cps/templates/detail.html:222
msgid "Read"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Restore from archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:229
#: cps/templates/detail.html:231
msgid "Add to archive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:230
#: cps/templates/detail.html:232
msgid "Archived"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:241
#: cps/templates/detail.html:243
msgid "Description:"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/search.html:14
#: cps/templates/detail.html:256 cps/templates/search.html:14
msgid "Add to shelf"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/detail.html:282
#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 cps/templates/detail.html:284
#: cps/templates/feed.xml:79 cps/templates/layout.html:139
#: cps/templates/search.html:20
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr ""
#: cps/templates/detail.html:296
#: cps/templates/detail.html:298
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr ""