add math to calculate chance of win per poll

This commit is contained in:
NunoSempere 2024-04-14 11:21:50 -04:00
parent 224db1ddfd
commit 0b6b80accb
2 changed files with 42 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -48,3 +48,5 @@ Remedy: consider the conditional probabilities? But how? Or, relax assumptions u
- [ ] Exclude polls older than one month?
- [ ] Exclude partisan polls
- [ ] ...

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package main
import (
rand "math/rand/v2"
@ -30,8 +31,6 @@ type Poll struct {
Date time.Time
// type src = *rand.Rand
/* Globals */
var r = rand.New(rand.NewPCG(uint64(100), uint64(2224)))
@ -186,6 +185,22 @@ func readStates() ([]State, error) {
return states_slice, nil
/* Sampling helper functions */
func getNormalCDF(x float64, mean float64, std float64) float64 {
erf_term := (x - mean) / (std * math.Sqrt2)
return (1 + math.Erf(erf_term)) / 2
func getProbabilityAboveX(x float64, mean float64, std float64) float64 {
return 1 - getNormalCDF(x, mean, std)
func getChanceCandidateWinsFromPoll(candidate_p float64, poll_sample_size float64) float64 {
std := math.Sqrt(candidate_p * (1 - candidate_p) / poll_sample_size) //
return getProbabilityAboveX(0.5, candidate_p, std)
/* Sample state by state */
func sampleFromState(state State) VotesForEachParty {
fmt.Printf("\n\nState: %s", state.Name)
fmt.Printf("\n\tVotes: %d", state.Votes)
@ -256,25 +271,40 @@ func sampleFromState(state State) VotesForEachParty {
if has_biden && has_trump {
recent_biden_trump_polls = append(recent_biden_trump_polls, recent_poll)
fmt.Printf("\n\tPoll: %+v", recent_poll)
num_biden_votes := 0.0
num_trump_votes := 0.0
for _, recent_biden_trump_poll := range recent_biden_trump_polls {
biden_percentage := 0.0
trump_percentage := 0.0
biden_share := 0.0
trump_share := 0.0
for candidate_name, candidate_percentage := range recent_biden_trump_poll.PollResults {
if candidate_name == "Biden" {
biden_percentage = candidate_percentage
biden_share = candidate_percentage / 100
} else if candidate_name == "Trump" {
trump_percentage = candidate_percentage
trump_share = candidate_percentage / 100
num_biden_votes += biden_percentage * float64(recent_biden_trump_poll.SampleSize)
num_trump_votes += trump_percentage * float64(recent_biden_trump_poll.SampleSize)
sample_size := float64(recent_biden_trump_poll.SampleSize)
poll_biden_votes := biden_share * sample_size
poll_trump_votes := trump_share * sample_size
joint_trump_biden_sample_size := poll_biden_votes + poll_trump_votes
normalized_trump_share := trump_share / (trump_share + biden_share)
normalized_biden_share := biden_share / (trump_share + biden_share)
std_poll := math.Sqrt((normalized_trump_share * normalized_biden_share) / joint_trump_biden_sample_size)
p_trump_more_votes := getProbabilityAboveX(0.5, normalized_trump_share, std_poll)
fmt.Printf("\n\tPoll: %+v", recent_biden_trump_poll)
fmt.Printf("\n\t\tChance of R win: %f", p_trump_more_votes)
// Update general tally
num_biden_votes += poll_biden_votes
num_trump_votes += poll_trump_votes
// total_sample_size := num_biden_votes + num_trump_votes
if r.Float64() < p_republican {
return VotesForEachParty{Democrats: 0, Republicans: state.Votes}
} else {