diff --git a/ROADMAP.md b/ROADMAP.md
index 2226307..fcce1cd 100644
--- a/ROADMAP.md
+++ b/ROADMAP.md
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
- [x] Make README.md less messy
- [x] Give examples of new functions
- [x] Reference commit with cdf functions, even though deleted
+- [ ] Figure out fixed point libraries , and overflow guards for operations
- [ ] Post on suckless subreddit
-- [ ] Look into instead?
- [ ] Drive in a few more real-life applications
- - [ ] US election modelling?
- [ ] Look into using size_t instead of int for sample numbers
- [ ] Reorganize code a little bit to reduce usage of gcc's nested functions
- [ ] Rename examples
diff --git a/examples/core/00_example_template/example b/examples/core/00_example_template/example
index e4195e1..e7bdae3 100755
Binary files a/examples/core/00_example_template/example and b/examples/core/00_example_template/example differ
diff --git a/examples/core/01_one_sample/example b/examples/core/01_one_sample/example
index a65e937..f5accf3 100755
Binary files a/examples/core/01_one_sample/example and b/examples/core/01_one_sample/example differ
diff --git a/examples/core/02_time_to_botec/example b/examples/core/02_time_to_botec/example
index 3735046..2ef9150 100755
Binary files a/examples/core/02_time_to_botec/example and b/examples/core/02_time_to_botec/example differ
diff --git a/examples/core/03_gcc_nested_function/example b/examples/core/03_gcc_nested_function/example
index 42ec59c..82821e3 100755
Binary files a/examples/core/03_gcc_nested_function/example and b/examples/core/03_gcc_nested_function/example differ
diff --git a/examples/core/04_gamma_beta/example b/examples/core/04_gamma_beta/example
index d38f27f..4030e6a 100755
Binary files a/examples/core/04_gamma_beta/example and b/examples/core/04_gamma_beta/example differ
diff --git a/examples/core/05_hundred_lognormals/example b/examples/core/05_hundred_lognormals/example
index a25f8ba..10080b1 100755
Binary files a/examples/core/05_hundred_lognormals/example and b/examples/core/05_hundred_lognormals/example differ
diff --git a/examples/core/06_dissolving_fermi_paradox/example b/examples/core/06_dissolving_fermi_paradox/example
index 0d13c3f..f92844a 100755
Binary files a/examples/core/06_dissolving_fermi_paradox/example and b/examples/core/06_dissolving_fermi_paradox/example differ
diff --git a/examples/more/12_time_to_botec_parallel/example b/examples/more/12_time_to_botec_parallel/example
index 7cfdd49..648c88e 100755
Binary files a/examples/more/12_time_to_botec_parallel/example and b/examples/more/12_time_to_botec_parallel/example differ
diff --git a/examples/more/15_time_to_botec_custom_mixture/example b/examples/more/15_time_to_botec_custom_mixture/example
deleted file mode 100755
index de627d4..0000000
Binary files a/examples/more/15_time_to_botec_custom_mixture/example and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/examples/more/15_time_to_botec_custom_mixture/example.c b/examples/more/15_time_to_botec_custom_mixture/example.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 47577f8..0000000
--- a/examples/more/15_time_to_botec_custom_mixture/example.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include "../../../squiggle.h"
-#include "../../../squiggle_more.h"
-double cumsum_p0 = 0.6;
-double cumsum_p1 = 0.8;
-double cumsum_p2 = 0.9;
-double cumsum_p3 = 1.0;
-double sampler_result(uint64_t * seed)
- double p = sample_uniform(0, 1, seed);
- if(p< cumsum_p0){
- return 0;
- } else if (p < cumsum_p1){
- return 1;
- } else if (p < cumsum_p2){
- return sample_to(1,3, seed);
- } else {
- return sample_to(2, 10, seed);
- }
-int main()
- int n_samples = 1000 * 1000, n_threads = 16;
- double* results = malloc((size_t)n_samples * sizeof(double));
- sampler_parallel(sampler_result, results, n_threads, n_samples);
- printf("Avg: %f\n", array_sum(results, n_samples) / n_samples);
- free(results);
diff --git a/examples/more/makefile b/examples/more/makefile
index 6b4b7dc..3de1b6d 100644
--- a/examples/more/makefile
+++ b/examples/more/makefile
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ all:
$(CC) $(OPTIMIZED) $(DEBUG) $(WARN) 12_time_to_botec_parallel/$(SRC) $(DEPS) -o 12_time_to_botec_parallel/$(OUTPUT)
$(CC) $(OPTIMIZED) $(DEBUG) $(WARN) 13_parallelize_min/$(SRC) $(DEPS) -o 13_parallelize_min/$(OUTPUT)
$(CC) $(OPTIMIZED) $(DEBUG) $(WARN) 14_check_confidence_interval/$(SRC) $(DEPS) -o 14_check_confidence_interval/$(OUTPUT)
- $(CC) $(OPTIMIZED) $(DEBUG) $(WARN) 15_time_to_botec_custom_mixture/$(SRC) $(DEPS) -o 15_time_to_botec_custom_mixture/$(OUTPUT)
$(FORMATTER) 00_example_template/$(SRC)
diff --git a/scratchpad/ai b/scratchpad/ai
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..30d47df
Binary files /dev/null and b/scratchpad/ai differ
diff --git a/scratchpad/ai.c b/scratchpad/ai.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a270418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scratchpad/ai.c
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "../squiggle.h"
+#include "../squiggle_more.h"
+// Estimate functions
+double sample_ais_1(uint64_t* seed)
+ double num_arxiv_ml_authors_2024 = 7379; // Number of authors who published in the stats.ML category on arxiv in 2023
+ double fraction_of_ml = sample_beta(7.41986324742243, 114.487997692331, seed); // fraction they are of the field. 0.03 to 0.1. https://nunosempere.com/blog/2023/03/15/fit-beta/
+ double fraction_of_their_research_thats_relevant = sample_beta(0.8277362357555023, 25.259989675532076, seed); // fraction of their research that is safety relevant, 0.001 to 0.1
+ double academia_adjustment = sample_beta(1.9872200324266, 6.36630125578423, seed); // 0.05 0.5 adjustment because they are from academia
+ return num_arxiv_ml_authors_2024 * fraction_of_their_research_thats_relevant * academia_adjustment / fraction_of_ml;
+double sample_ais_2(uint64_t* seed)
+ double num_arxiv_ml_authors_2024 = 7379; // Number of authors who published in the stats.ML category on arxiv in 2023
+ double fraction_of_ml = sample_beta(7.41986324742243, 114.487997692331, seed); // fraction they are of the field. 0.03 to 0.1. https://nunosempere.com/blog/2023/03/15/fit-beta/
+ double fraction_of_their_research_thats_relevant = sample_beta(3.28962721497463, 17.7686162987246, seed); // fraction of their research that is safety relevant, 0.001 to 0.1
+ double academia_adjustment = sample_beta(2.23634269185645, 3.73532102339597, seed); // 0.05 0.5 adjustment because they are from academia
+ return num_arxiv_ml_authors_2024 * fraction_of_their_research_thats_relevant * academia_adjustment / fraction_of_ml;
+int main()
+ // set randomness seed
+ uint64_t* seed = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
+ *seed = 1000; // xorshift can't start with 0
+ int n_samples = 10 * MILLION;
+ printf("# AIS 1\n");
+ double* xs = malloc(sizeof(double) * (size_t)n_samples);
+ sampler_parallel(sample_ais_1, xs, 16, n_samples);
+ printf("# Stats\n");
+ array_print_stats(xs, n_samples);
+ printf("\n# Histogram\n");
+ array_print_histogram(xs, n_samples, 23);
+ printf("# AIS 2\n");
+ sampler_parallel(sample_ais_2, xs, 16, n_samples);
+ printf("# Stats\n");
+ array_print_stats(xs, n_samples);
+ printf("\n# Histogram\n");
+ array_print_histogram(xs, n_samples, 23);
+ free(seed);
diff --git a/scratchpad/aisfield/example.c b/scratchpad/aisfield/example.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9362818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scratchpad/aisfield/example.c
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "../../../squiggle.h"
+#include "../../../squiggle_more.h"
+// Estimate functions
+double sample_beta_3_2(uint64_t* seed)
+ double num_arxiv_ml_authors_2024 = 7379; // Number of authors who published in the stats.ML category on arxiv in 2023
+ double fraction_of_ml = sample_beta(7.41986324742243, 114.487997692331, seed); // fraction they are of the field. 0.03 to 0.1. https://nunosempere.com/blog/2023/03/15/fit-beta/
+ double fraction_of_their_research_thats_relevant = sample_beta(0.8277362357555023, 25.259989675532076, seed); // fraction of their research that is safety relevant, 0.001 to 0.1
+ double academia_discount = sample_beta(1.9872200324266, 6.36630125578423, seed); // 0.05 0.5 discount because they are from academia
+ return num_arxiv_ml_authors_2024 * fraction_of_their_research_thats_relevant * academia_discount / fraction_of_ml;
+int main()
+ // set randomness seed
+ uint64_t* seed = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
+ *seed = 1000; // xorshift can't start with 0
+ int n_samples = 1 * MILLION;
+ double* xs = malloc(sizeof(double) * (size_t)n_samples);
+ sampler_parallel(sample_beta_3_2, xs, 16, n_samples);
+ printf("\n# Stats\n");
+ array_print_stats(xs, n_samples);
+ printf("\n# Histogram\n");
+ array_print_histogram(xs, n_samples, 23);
+ free(seed);
diff --git a/scratchpad/scratchpad b/scratchpad/scratchpad
index 9645346..15ed753 100755
Binary files a/scratchpad/scratchpad and b/scratchpad/scratchpad differ
diff --git a/squiggle.c b/squiggle.c
index 3f2f4d3..ec0d4a2 100644
--- a/squiggle.c
+++ b/squiggle.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ double sample_unit_normal(uint64_t* seed)
// // See:
double u1 = sample_unit_uniform(seed);
double u2 = sample_unit_uniform(seed);
- double z = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)) * sin(2.0 * PI * u2);
+ double z = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)) * sin(2 * PI * u2);
return z;
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ double sample_normal_from_90_ci(double low, double high, uint64_t* seed)
// 5. If we want a 90% confidence interval from high to low,
// we can set mean = (high + low)/2; the midpoint, and L = high-low,
// Normal([high + low]/2, [high - low]/(2 * 1.6448536269514722))
- double mean = (high + low) * 0.5;
+ double mean = (high + low) / 2.0;
double std = (high - low) / (2.0 * NORMAL90CONFIDENCE);
return sample_normal(mean, std, seed);